Object type

Wheel and tyre of Armstrong-Whitworth "Ensign"

Section of bicycle tyre


Bicycle tyre valve No.4 made by the Constrictor Tyre Co.


Section of bicycle tyre

Bicycle tyre valve No.3 made by the Constrictor Tyre Co.


Section of bicycle tyre

Section of bicycle tyre

Section of bicycle tyre

Section of bicycle tyre

Section of bicycle tyre

Tyre from SE 5a (fighter designed at RAE).

Section of wheelchair tyre made from recycled rubber, Jamaica


Dunlop Type Section for DHC1 Chipmunk Wheel


Dunlop Aircraft Tyre


Section of motorcycle tyre

Section of bicycle tyre

Sections of tyre


Bicycle tyre valve No.2 made by the Constrictor Tyre Co.


Cycle tyre


Section of 'New Boa' tubular tyre for bicycles


Section of bicycle tyre

Concorde Tyre Section


Replica of Thomson's pneumatic tyre of 1845, fitted to a wooden wheel with laced cover. (See also 1922-174)

Replica of Thomson's Pneumatic Tyre Fitted to a Wooden Wheel


Five sections of Dunlop tubular sprint cycle tyres :- no.1 plain, no.2 file, no.3 smooth, no.4 file, no.5 file with skin sides

Sections of bicycle tyre

Early pneumatic tyred wheel owned by J.B. Dunlop, c.1892; bicyle tyre, mummy type

Early pneumatic tyred wheel owned by J.B. Dunlop

circa 1892

Dunlop champion 26x1 3/8 pneumatic cycle tyre

Dunlop champion 26x1 3/8 pneumatic cycle tyre

Firestone 35x5 pneumatic tyre made to U.S. pattern, 6 May 1919 and 23 March 1920

Firestone 35x5 pneumatic tyre made to U.S. pattern

Dunlop cord 895x150 beaded-edge pneumatic tyre for B.S. Rim 895 BE

Dunlop cord 895x150 beaded-edge pneumatic tyre

Main undercarriage wheel, tyre and brake of Gloster "Meteor"

wheel, tyre and brake of Gloster "Meteor"

Firestone 28x3 pneumatic beaded-edge tyre for motor cycles

Firestone tyre

One 6" tyred wheel. One Iron Wimble.

One 6" tyred wheel. One Iron Wimble.

Four caravan tyres containing recycled rubber, made by Vulcan Profiles Ltd., 1996.

Four caravan tyres containing recycled rubber


Section of Englebert amber bicycle tyre, as it leaves the mould

Section of bicycle tyre


Section of wired on motor cycle balloon tyre on well base rim 27"x 4"

Section of motorcycle tyre

6" section, cover, tube and rim of 1.75" Magnum Dunlop wired tyre for cycles

Section of bicycle tyre

6" section cover, tube and rim of 1.5" Dunlop roadster wired tyre for cycles

Section of bicycle tyre

Dunlop 4.40-19 pneumatic tyre

Dunlop 4.40-19 pneumatic tyre

Firestone 14x5 balloon tyre

Firestone 14x5 balloon tyre

Dunlop cord 815x105 beaded-edge pneumatic tyre for B.S. Rim 815 BE

Dunlop cord 815x105 beaded-edge pneumatic tyre

Dunlop 28x3 beaded-edge pneumatic tyre for B.S. Rim CC2. (probably bought as spare for 1903 Humber estate car)

Dunlop 28x3 beaded-edge pneumatic tyre

Firestone 33x4 pneumatic tyre made to U.S. pattern of 14 April 1914. Trek pattern spells out 'Non Skid'

Firestone 33x4 pneumatic tyre

Firestone 33x4 1/2 pneumatic tyre. Trek pattern spells out 'Non Skid'

Firestone tyre

Firestone 27x440 balloon tyre

Firestone 27x440 balloon tyre

Firestone 30x3 beaded-edge pneumatic tyre. Trek pattern spells out 'Non Skid'

Firestone tyre

Firestone 28x3 1/2 R.N.C. solid tyre

Firestone 28x3 1/2 R.N.C. solid tyre

Dunlop pneumatic cycle tyre of 1888, fitted to rim without spokes.

Pneumatic cycle tyre