Object type

12 minute video documenting the production process at PPL Therapeutics' facility in Edinburgh


"HIV, Travel and the Law" VHS video


Video of Geodesic sensor net in use


Videocassette, in case, of 'Gas: A glimpse at its manufacture and distribution'

Bonobo People


VHS video in black box, containging a recording of

circa 1988

VHS video in red box, containging recordings of 2

circa 1988

JVC VHS tape titled ‘4 year course robotic gripper. Hand & sensor (body matters BBC). Within JVC Video cassette 180 E-180HR sleeve. Found alongside paper note reading 'As part of my clear up the film & video material might be of interest to you. Eric [?]'

VHS tape relating to the Southampton Hand project


JVC VHS tape titled ‘BBC hand film. Arm & wrist. 1988 trial of hand prosthesis (G Lowson)'. Within sleeve branded ‘Sony CD’.

VHS tape relating to the Southampton Hand project


Ferguson videostar VHS tape titled ‘Southampton University Hand Prosthesis (copy)’. Within ferguson videostar vhs video cassette E-30 sleeve.

VHS tape relating to the Southampton Hand project


JVC VHS tape titled ‘B.B.C. Prog. CHAIR. CHAIR. Arm & Wrist’ within JVC video cassette E-30 sleeve

VHS tape relating to the Southampton Hand project


TDK VHS tape titled ‘day by day interview. Artificial hand/arm. MOH’s’. Within sleeve for TDK superview Amlyn E-60 video cassette with handwritten note reading ‘Rosloe and gladstone hall’

VHS tape relating to the Southampton Hand project


Fuji VHS tape titled ‘day by day interview. Artificial hand/arm. P.J. Lawrence Med Eng.’

VHS tape relating to the Southampton Hand project


Fuji VHS tape titled ‘Sven hand’ within Fuji Hi-Fi Super SHG sleeve

VHS tape relating to the Southampton Hand project


Videocassette of three short newsfilms of the Duke of Gloucester opening Greenwich Coke Works, c.1950.

Videocassette of three short newsfilms of the Duke of Gloucester opening Greenwich Coke Works

Scotch VHS tape titled ‘Southampton Hand – Cine archive’ within Scotch videocassette EG+ E240 sleeve.

VHS tape relating to the Southampton Hand project


Mitsubishi VHS tape titled ‘PJR/Kevin Warwick’ within Memorex E-180 sleeve.

VHS tape relating to the Southampton Hand project


Single channel colour video installation originally shot on Super 8mm film, transferred to DVD by Matt Hulse: 'Overheated: The Undiminished Intensity Mix', 2001.

Overheated: The Undiminished Intensity Mix


Video by Geoff Weston depicting pigeons from the 'Messenger' series.

Video from the 'Messenger' series

Video issued to employees by Railtrack plc to inform those outside the industry about Railtrack's activities. Cover includes an introduction to the video by Robert Horton, Chairman Railtrack plc, April 1996.

'Now You're Looking at Railtrack'


Approximately 20 videos from the national collection for health education material (originally compiled by the Health Education Authority), made for and used by various British groups promoting health education, not including the Health Education Authority, 1987-98.

20 health education videos


Video installation by Tim MacMillan: 'Dead Horse'. Edition 2 of 3, three copies,1998, edition format Beta Sub-Master, S-VHS PAL and Standard VHS. A video loop of two horses being slaughtered in an abatoir photographed at the moment of their death using a 'Time-slice Camera' as developed by the artist. Tim MacMillan's 'Dead Horse' 1998 was exhibited as part of the LEA Gallery exhibition entitled 'Animation' which took place June 12 - July 25 1998. The other artists participating in 'Animation' included Katy Shepherd, Tim Hutchinson, and Mat Collishaw.

Dead Horse


Information video for men prescribed THALOMID (thalidomide), part of the STEPS programme (System for Thalidomide Education and Prescribing Safety), Celgene Corporation, 1999

Information video for men prescribed THALOMID (thalidomide)


Information video for women prescribed THALOMID (thalidomide), part of the STEPS programme (System for Thalidomide Education and Prescribing Safety), Celgene Corporation, 1999

Information video for women prescribed THALOMID (thalidomide)