Watch-chain with 3 medallion, LNWR, 23 bronze, bars (1908-1934), numbered "107279" linked to make a watch-chain with 3 medallions attached:- 1. London County Council, First Aid, John Findell, 20.1.11., 2. LNWR Centre of St. John Ambulance Association, J. Findell 1923, 3. St. John Ambulance Association 107279 John Findell Watch-chain with 3 medals, LNWR, 23 bronze, bars 1908-1934
Watch-chain and medallion, with bars, LMSR, LMS Ambulance Centre: 18 links of chain, 1942-59. No.257897, Bars: 20 yrs, 1941; 25 yrs, 1946; 30 yrs, 1951; 35 yrs, 1956, Long Service medallion - H. Wilkinson, 35 years Watch-chain and medallion