Electric water bath, rectangular, one set of rings missing, five sets altogether, constant level device, three plug connectors, 4.5a 220v, Gallenkamp, c. 1920's Electric water bath 1920
Electric water bath, circular, copper, thinned inside, set of rings, one missing, three plug connectors, 5 amp 110v constant level device, Gallenkamp, c. 1920's Electric water bath 1920
Manometry stand and waterbath, reconstruction of apparatus used by Hans Krebs, 1930s Manometry stand and waterbath
Soxhlet water bath for three, electrically heated, with a glass condenser, extractor and three flat bottomed glass flasks, by A. Gallenkamp and Co. Ltd, London, England, 1900-1923 Soxhlet water bath for three, with a glass condenser, extractor and three flat bottomed glass flasks
Constant-level Copper Waterbath, with adjusting top rings, electric Constant-level Copper Waterbath 1900
Water bath, for use in psychological experiments, made by Gallenkamp, as used in the Department of Psychology, University of Aberdeen, c.1960-1980. Water bath for use in psychological experiments circa 1960-1980
Waterbath, galvanised iron, with lid, thermostatically controlled 56 deg.C. Waterbath, galvanised iron 1900-1980
Circular Electrical Waterbath with simmerstat Circular Electrical Waterbath with simmerstat 1900-1980
Circular water-bath (drying oven) on iron stand. Rings missing. Late 19th century Circular water-bath (drying oven) on iron stand. Rings missing. Late 19th century 1880-1900
Dipping refractometer by Carl Zeiss, Jena with water bath and specimen tubes Dipping refractometer by Carl Zeiss
Electric water bath by Baird and Tatlock Ltd., English, 1950-1970 Electric water bath by Baird and Tatlock Ltd. 1950-1970
Water-bath, copper, gas operated with thermostat, with interior stand. ?converted for natural gas Water-bath, copper, gas operated with thermostat 1900-1980