On Display
Object type

Whistle, South Eastern Railway

London & North Western Railway permanent-way whistle

Silver presentation whistle and chain, London & South Western Railway


One ivory whistle (bust of King)



Foreman's whistle

Whistle from Ravens Fog Signal

Locomotive whistle

Locomotive Whistle


Whistle control signal switch


Whistle control timing box


Half penny whistle

Policeman's whistle, Great Eastern Railway

Locomotive whistle

One ivory whistle


Terracotta whistle

Whistle, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway, made from two Lancashire & Yorkshire nickel uniform buttons.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway button whistle

Whistle, brass, made from two buttons depicting a unicorn head on both. Dimensions: 2"x1/2"x1"

Brass whistle

Whistle, bone, shaped like a dog's head with a silver collar.

Whistle shaped like a dog's head

A.R.P. whistle, on link chain with button clip. Made by J. Hudson & Co. Barr St., Hockley, Birmingham. c. 1942

ARP whistle

circa 1942

Whistle, North Eastern Railway, used at Crook, made from 2 brass uniform buttons depicting shield surmounted by unicorns head.

Button whistle, North Eastern Railway

Whistle, no company markings, made from 2 farthings.

Farthing whistle

Whistle, London & North Eastern Railway, plate brass, straight whistle with double air hole, "The Acme, England, LNER".

London & North Eastern Railway whistle

Whistle, no company markings, ornate, brass with ivory mouthpiece. 31/4"x1"x1"

Brass whistle

Whistle, no company markings, stamped "The Acme Thunderer", brass.

Acme Thunderer whistle

Whistle, North Eastern Railway, cylindrical, stamped "NER".

Whistle, North Eastern Railway

Whistle, Manchester Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway, brass, made from 2 uniform waistcoat buttons.

Brass button whistle, Manchester Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway

Whistle, British Railways (Eastern Region), Acme Thunderer, marked BR(E) formerly used by Passenger Guard F.G. Workman.

Guard's whistle, British Railways (Eastern Region)

Whistle, pewter, cylindrical, unmarked, with leather lanyard; 1.9685 x .7087 x .7087 in (50 x 18 x 18 mm).

Unidentified pewter whistle

Whistle, London & North Western Railway, brass, Thunderer type, marked "L&NWR P Way No 7".

London & North Western Railway permanent-way whistle

Whistle, Cheshire Lines Committee, brass whistle, "The Acme Thunderer", marked "CLC".

Cheshire Lines Committee whistle

Whistle, London & North Western Railway, brass, "The Thunderer, Hudson's Patent", engraved on side "L & NWR".

London & North Western Railway whistle

Whistle, Great Northern Railway, ebony whistle on chain.

Whistle, Great Northern Railway

Whistle, North Eastern Railway, cylindrical, "NER" stamped underneath.

Horn whistle, North Eastern Railway

Whistle, Plymouth Devonport & South Western Junction Railway, "The Thunderer Patent" engraved on sides "PD & SWJR 15".

Brass whistle, Plymouth Devonport & South Western Junction Railway

Whistle, Isle of Wight Central Railway, plated brass, marked "The Acme Thunderer 13 I.W.C.R.".

IWCR whistle

Whistle, London & North Western Railway, cylindrical, stamped "L&NWR".

London & North Western Railway whistle

Whistle, North Eastern Railway, cylindrical, stamped "NER".

Horn whistle, North Eastern Railway

Whistle, London Midland & Scottish Railway, formerly used by Frank Tearle who retired as LMS inspector in 1927.

London Midland & Scottish Railway inspector's whistle


Whistle, North Eastern Railway, cylindrical, horn, stamped "NER".

Horn whistle, North Eastern Railway

Whistle, North Eastern Railway, plated brass whistle marked "Patent 214519/24 Nesthill".

Brass whistle, North Eastern Railway

Whistle, North Eastern Railway, white metal, cylindrical, marked NER.

White metal whistle, North Eastern Railway

Whistle, British Rail, bakelite, "The Acme Thunderer, made in England", white metal in set in one side engraved "BR".

British Rail whistle

Whistle, North Eastern Railway, white metal, conical-shaped, stamped "NER".

White metal whistle, North Eastern Railway

Whistle, North Eastern Railway, stamped "NER" underneath, chain attached to nickel LYR button.

Horn whistle, North Eastern Railway

Whistle, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway, made from 2 gilt L&Y uniform buttons.

Button whistle, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway

Whistle, Great Northern Railway (Ireland), plated brass, "The Acme Thunderer, Made in England", engraved on side "GNR(I)".

Brass whistle, Great Northern Railway (Ireland)

Whistle, London & North Western Railway, brass, with chain, Thunderer type, marked "McPherson Brothers 78 Argyle St Glasgow", engraved on sides: "L & NWR P.Way 7240".

London & North Western Railway permanent-way whistle

Whistle, guard's, nickel plated brass, unmarked but with Great Central Railway button on lanyard, c1900.

Whistle, Great Central Railway


One police whistle, withdrawn from use by the Cornish Constabulary in 1970.

One police whistle