Radio control unit with a control panel attached to top, marked 'Control Radio Set', 'serial no 112' and 'MCN 274'. Unit for wireless station A510, c. 1965 1965
Rectangular green metal unit containing electronic components, cabling, and canvas cases. Part of A510 wireless station, c. 1965. Unit for wireless station A510, c. 1965 1965
Rectangular green metal unit with control panel on one side, engraved 'Gresham Lion Electronics Ltd'. Part of A510 wireless station, c. 1965. Unit for wireless station A510, c. 1965 circa 1965
Antenna Loading Coil unit marked 'Danger High Voltage', '775' and 'Water Test O.K.', with a plaque reading 'Antenna Loading Coil Type 690D-1'. Part of A510 wireless station, c. 1965. Unit for wireless station A510, c. 1965 1965