Small piece of wood, native name tamboti, for headaches, Kaffirs tribe, user, Tembuland, South Africa, 1890-1905 Small piece of wood 1890-1905
Specimen of Erythrophloeum quineansa, sasswood, ordeal poison, Africa, 1920 to 1937. Specimen of Erythrophloeum quineansa 1920-1937
Rough chip of olive wood, reputed to be from the Garden of Gethsemane, Jerusalem, collected in 1903 Rough chip of olive wood 1903
Wood, piece of branch, with bark, native medicine, Northern Rhodesia, 1910-1930 Wood, piece of branch 1910-1930
Semi-circular section of Jamaica Quassia tree trunk with bark, used as a tonic, Jamaica, 1801-1900 Semi-circular section of Jamaica Quassia tree trunk with bark 1801-1900
Wood, cylinderical cut section, with some bark, native medicine, Northern Rhodesia, 1910-1930 Wood, cylinderical cut section 1910-1930
Piece of barwood used as dye and paint for body, from West Africa, 1851 to 1930 Piece of barwood used as dye and paint for body 1851-1930
Piece of wood with bark attached, used by Xosa, South Africa, 1851 to 1930 Piece of wood with bark attached 1851-1930
Section through branch in envelope, presented by Field Museum of Chicago, probably from Afghanistan 1900-1930 Section through branch in envelope 1900-1930
Wood, cut length, partially bark-covered, native medicine, Northern Rhodesia, 1910-1930 Wood, cut length 1910-1930
Wood, cut length of branch, no bark, native medicine, Northern Rhodesia, 1910-1930 Wood, cut length of branch 1910-1930
Wood, with bark covering, native medicine, Northern Rhodesia, 1910-1930 Wood, with bark covering 1910-1930
Short piece of wood, bark covered, native medicine, Northern Rhodesia, 1910-1930 Short piece of wood 1910-1930
Piece of wood, possibly a root, native medicine, Northern Rhodesia, 1910-1930 Piece of wood 1910-1930
Wood, length of branch with bark, native medicine, Northern Rhodesia, 1910-1930 Wood, length of branch with bark 1910-1930
Wooden billet of ratal, from Chile, used as remedy for asthma, Chilean, 1851 to 1874 Wooden billet of ratal 1851-1874