Object type

Flint from Vlora, Albania

Black and white silver print, Photo 8, by Nikos Economopoulos collectively titled 'ALBANIAN PORTFOLIO: THE BALKAN MAN'. Acquired under the terms of the 1992 ICI Photography Awards (European Section).

Photo 8

Black and white silver print, Photo 32, by Nikos Economopoulos collectively titled 'ALBANIAN PORTFOLIO: THE BALKAN MAN'. Acquired under the terms of the 1992 ICI Photography Awards (European Section).

Photo 32

A black and white photograph taken by Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert in Albania about 1990. 'In preparation for the wedding feast a pig has been shot and is being shaved. Jubani'.

In preparation for the wedding feast a pig has been shot and is being shaved. Jubani

circa 1990

A black and white photograph taken by Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert in Albania about 1990. 'Children beside one of the approximately 350,000 bunkers built by Hoxha as precautions against attacks during Albania's period of isolationism. President Dr Sali Berisha says 'Hoxha buried this country in bunkers'.'

Children beside one of the approximately 350,000 bunkers built by Hoxha…

circa 1990

A black and white photograph taken by Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert in Albania, May 1992. 'The Shabi family sowing their seeds, May 1992, the oxen of many families are brought together and the families take their turn in using them to till their land'.

The Shabi family sowing their seeds…

circa 1990

A black and white photograph taken by Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert in Albania about 1990. ' 'The unity of the people around the party is a great moving force, which takes our society ahead, an unceasable source of energy to face any kind of situation.' '

The unity of the people around the party…'

circa 1990

A black and white photograph taken by Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert in Albania about 1990. 'In the Koda household, pre-wedding celebrations, Jubani'.

In the Koda household, pre-wedding celebrations, Jubani

circa 1990

A black and white photograph taken by Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert in Albania about 1990. 'The Koda family gather for lunch the day before a wedding, Jubani'.

The Koda family gather for lunch the day before a wedding, Jubani

circa 1990

A black and white photograph taken by Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert in Albania about 1990. 'Violeta Gega proudly displays her chicken in a room which she shares with her daughter. Their home is without an income or running water, and without electricity. Violeta Gega must rely on aid help, her livestock and friendship from her neighbours to survive'.

Violeta Gega proudly displays her chicken in a room which she shares with her daughter

circa 1990

A black and white photograph taken by Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert in Albania about 1990.'Razie Gjelani and her son Idris, cooking dinner for themselves, her husband Lulzim and her other 5 children'.

Razie Gjelani and her son Idris…

circa 1990

A black and white photograph taken by Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert in Albania about 1990. 'Dr Sali Berisha, one of the founders of the Democratic Party in 1990 and the first Democratic President of Albania. Formerly, he was a leading heart surgeon but now battling to keep the country alive in the face of a bankrupt economy, price rises, food shortages and an emerging increase in crime, in an attempt to bring Albania to the level of its European counterparts'.

Dr Sali Berisha

circa 1990

A black and white photograph taken by Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert in Albania about 1990. 'Drane Padi, and her 4 grandchildren, sit on the bed they all share, Torrovic'.

Drane Padi, and her 4 grandchildren, sit on the bed they all share, Torrovic

circa 1990

Specimen bottle of yellow lumps of orpiment (arsenic trisulphide)

Specimen bottle of yellow lumps of orpiment (arsenic trisulphide)


Black and white silver print, Photo 24, by Nikos Economopoulos collectively titled 'ALBANIAN PORTFOLIO: THE BALKAN MAN'. Acquired under the terms of the 1992 ICI Photography Awards (European Section).

Photo 24

Black and white silver print, Photo 3, by Nikos Economopoulos collectively titled 'ALBANIAN PORTFOLIO: THE BALKAN MAN'. Acquired under the terms of the 1992 ICI Photography Awards (European Section).

Photo 3

Six black and white silver prints by Nikos Economopoulos collectively titled 'ALBANIAN PORTFOLIO: THE BALKAN MAN'. Acquired under the terms of the 1992 ICI Photography Awards (European Section).

Albanian Portfolio: The Balkan Man

A black and white photograph taken by Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert in Albania about 1990. ' A bedroom scene in the Padi house, Torrovic'.

A bedroom scene in the Padi house, Torrovic

circa 1990

A black and white photograph taken by Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert in Albania about 1990. 'Raki is poured as the Koda and Padi families come together in a pre-wedding tradition, Jubani'.

Raki is poured as the Koda and Padi families come together in a pre-wedding tradition, Jubani

circa 1990

A black and white photograph taken by Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert in Albania about 1990. 'Adbina Padi, aged 22, sits with the females of her family awaiting the arrival of her husband to be, who will take her to his home and to the church for a Catholic ceremony. Jubani'.

Adbina Padi, aged 22, sits with the females of her family…

circa 1990

A black and white photograph taken by Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert in Albania about 1990. 'Victor Paloma sings a love song to his bride Marie, who is wearing traditional clothes and jewellry (sic) of North West Albania'.

Victor Paloma sings a love song to his bride Marie

circa 1990

Black and white silver print, Photo 15, by Nikos Economopoulos collectively titled 'ALBANIAN PORTFOLIO: THE BALKAN MAN'. Acquired under the terms of the 1992 ICI Photography Awards (European Section).

Photo 15

Black and white silver print, Photo 22, by Nikos Economopoulos collectively titled 'ALBANIAN PORTFOLIO: THE BALKAN MAN'. Acquired under the terms of the 1992 ICI Photography Awards (European Section).

Photo 22

A black and white photograph taken by Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert in Albania about 1990. 'In the village of Torrovic, Argjir Padi sitting on his bed, reflects on his sons involvement in a blood feud'.

In the village of Torrovic, Argjir Padi sitting on his bed…

circa 1990

A black and white photograph taken by Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert in Albania about 1990. 'As Anghelin Koda, 25 and Adbina Padi have their 1st dance as a married couple, a relative fires a rifle into the air in their honour. Jubani'.

As Anghelin Koda, 25 and Adbina Padi have their 1st dance as a married couple…

circa 1990

A black and white photograph taken by Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert in Albania about 1990. 'House interior in the village of Jubani'.

House interior in the village of Jubani

circa 1990

A black and white photograph taken by Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert in Albania about 1990. 'Chrome miner Xhevdet Demiri's family photographs on the wall of his home. A typical example of a decoration to found in most Albanian homes'.

Chrome miner Xhevdet Demiri's family photographs…

circa 1990

A black and white photograph taken by Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert in Albania about 1990. 'Beside the hearth, in the Shabi household, a book written by the dictator Enver Hoxha lies ready to be used to light the fire. In the village of Hoti'.

Beside the hearth, in the Shabi household…

circa 1990

A black and white photograph taken by Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert in Albania about 1990. 'In the village of Hoti, a member of the Shabi family prepares dinner, which she will cook on an open fire'.

In the village of Hoti, a member of the Shabi family prepares dinner, which she will cook on an open fire

circa 1990

A black and white photograph taken by Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert in Albania about 1990. 'In the fields around Hoti, members of the Shabi family till the land in preparation of sowing their crops of maize'.

In the fields around Hoti, members of the Shabi family till the land in preparation of sowing their crops of maize

circa 1990

A black and white photograph taken by Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert in Albania about 1990. 'Feed the Children aid distribution, Karretch'.

Feed the Children aid distribution, Karretch

circa 1990