Photo 8
Photo 32
In preparation for the wedding feast a pig has been shot and is being shaved. Jubani
circa 1990
Children beside one of the approximately 350,000 bunkers built by Hoxha…
circa 1990
The Shabi family sowing their seeds…
circa 1990
The unity of the people around the party…'
circa 1990
In the Koda household, pre-wedding celebrations, Jubani
circa 1990
The Koda family gather for lunch the day before a wedding, Jubani
circa 1990
Violeta Gega proudly displays her chicken in a room which she shares with her daughter
circa 1990
Razie Gjelani and her son Idris…
circa 1990
Dr Sali Berisha
circa 1990
Drane Padi, and her 4 grandchildren, sit on the bed they all share, Torrovic
circa 1990
Specimen bottle of yellow lumps of orpiment (arsenic trisulphide)
Photo 24
Photo 3
Albanian Portfolio: The Balkan Man
A bedroom scene in the Padi house, Torrovic
circa 1990
Raki is poured as the Koda and Padi families come together in a pre-wedding tradition, Jubani
circa 1990
Adbina Padi, aged 22, sits with the females of her family…
circa 1990
Victor Paloma sings a love song to his bride Marie
circa 1990
Photo 15
Photo 22
In the village of Torrovic, Argjir Padi sitting on his bed…
circa 1990
As Anghelin Koda, 25 and Adbina Padi have their 1st dance as a married couple…
circa 1990
House interior in the village of Jubani
circa 1990
Chrome miner Xhevdet Demiri's family photographs…
circa 1990
Beside the hearth, in the Shabi household…
circa 1990
In the village of Hoti, a member of the Shabi family prepares dinner, which she will cook on an open fire
circa 1990
In the fields around Hoti, members of the Shabi family till the land in preparation of sowing their crops of maize
circa 1990
Feed the Children aid distribution, Karretch
circa 1990