Two packets of ear down, supplied by Bilsom International, England, and made by Bilsom AB, Billesholme, Scania, Sweden, 1981 Two packets of ear down 1981
Pair of Marksman ear protectors with modified ear cup to fit close to rifle butt, and a 'Hygiene Kit' containing two foam pad inserts, all in original carton, by Bilsom AB, Billesholme, Sweden, 1971-1981 Pair of Marksman ear protectors with modified ear cup to fit close to rifle butt 1971-1981
Pack of ear down, supplied by Bilsom International, England, and made by Bilsom AB, Billesholme, Scania, Sweden, 1981 Pack of ear down 1981
Pair of Marksman ear protectors with modified ear cup to fit close to rifle butt, by Bilsom AB, Billesholme, Sweden, 1971-1981 Pair of Marksman ear protectors with modified ear cup to fit close to rifle butt 1971-1981
'Hygiene Kit' containing two foam pad inserts with original carton for pair of Marksman ear protectors, by Bilsom AB, Billesholme, Sweden, 1971-1981 'Hygiene Kit' containing two foam pad inserts, for pair of Marksman ear protectors 1971-1981
Pack of ear down, supplied by Bilsom International, England, and made by Bilsom AB, Billesholme, Scania, Sweden, 1981. Pack of Ear Down 1981