Object type

Prism television lens


Graham-Farish "megite" resistor


Wrayflex camera


Daily Herald Photograph: Modern houses


Daily Herald Photograph: Rent strike


Specimen of artificial silk


Lens cap for Prism Television lens


Case for prism television lens and accessories


Accessory for filters


Lens hood for Prism Television lens


Gelatin silver print entitled 'Livingroom of a middle-class home'. Photograph by Nick Hedges.

Livingroom of a middle-class home


Gelatin silver print entitled 'Suburban scene'. Photograph by Nick Hedges.

Suburban scene


Gelatin silver print entitled 'Walking the dog'. Photograph by Nick Hedges.

Walking the dog


Large format colour polaroid by Neal Slavin: Bickley School of dancing. Bromley, Kent. 16.7.84

Bickley School of dancing. Bromley, Kent


Five Graham Farrish horizontal component holders in manufacturer's cartons c.1927

Five Graham Farrish horizontal component holders


Oral history interview with Alec McTavish, conducted and recorded by Michael Lee at the interviewee's home in Chislehurst on 21 November 2019. Duration: 1 hr. 17 min. 41 sec. Personal background; Government Economic Service; John Welsby; Move to British Rail Policy Unit; sectorization; Planning and Strategy Manager Provincial; John Edmonds; personal views on privatisation proposals; Head of British Rail Business Systems; information technology (IT) organisation in Derby; Director of Operations Association of Train Operating Companies (ATOC); James Gordon; revenue clearing scheme; Rail Settlement Plan (RSP); involvement of train operating companies (TOCs); RSP franchise cancellation; telephone enquiries; Serco; views of staff; George Muir; station issues; ATOC involvement in franchise agreements; reflections on privatisation and career

Alec McTavish interviewed by Michael Lee


F: 8 1/2" f/8, for 6 1/2 x 5" plates.

Wray Rapid rectilinear lens

Pair of Wray Apo Lustar Process lenses. F:5" f/10 Nos 65948, 65950. Mounted on 150x75mm metal plate, with central finder lens, for stereo work.

Pair of Wray Apo Lustrar Process Lenses

Prism television lens and associated componens and accessories, manufactured by Wray of London, cased.

Prism television lens and associated componens and accessories


Wray rapid rectilinear lens F: 8 1/2 inches for 6 1/2 x 5 inch plates f/8-64 No. 9329. With flange.

Wray Rapid Rectilinear Lens

Large format colour polaroid by Neal Slavin: Kirby's flying ballet. Churchill Theatre, Bromley. 2.6.83

Kirby's flying ballet. Churchill Theatre, Bromley


Oral history interview with Christopher Austin, conducted and recorded by Michael Lee at the interviewee's home in Bromley, Kent on 25 January 2019. Duration: 1 hr. 20 min. 20 sec. Personal background; Parliamentary Affairs Manager role; privatisation of ancillary businesses 1980s; Conservative 1992 manifesto; alternative methods of privatisation; Parliamentary Affairs team work; Grant Woodruff; Robert Adley; Peter Snape; Railways Bill debates; House of Lords debate; working with Richard Faulkner (Westminster Communications); privatisation implementation work; staff briefing; Future Rail 1991; Channel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRL) bill; staff attitudes; personal reflections; activity at party conferences; Brian Mawhinney (Secretary of State for Transport); Professor Philip Goodwin (University of Oxford)

Christopher Austin interviewed by Michael Lee


35mm stereo camera for two 24 x 24mm pictures. Fitted with two Wray stereo lenses f/4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16 apertures on linked rotating plates. F:35mm, coated. With paired I/B shutters. Coaxial flash socket. Direct optical vision finder. Accessory shoe. No.001211. Wray, made under licence by Graflex Corps, USA, c.1960.

Wray StereoGraphic camera


Wray compound lens. Lens mount for 8 1/2x6 1/2 camera with three ? achromat lenses: 9", 12",15". Iris diaphragm calibrated for three focal lengths. Two lenses.

Wray Combination Lens