Pentacon Six single lens reflex camera for 120 roll film, Made by VEB Pentacon, East Germany, 1965. Serial No 11723. Pentacon Six Single Lens Reflex Camera 1965
12 Film Holders for use with UMK 1318 Universal Photogrammetric Camera, manufactured by Zeiss VEB, Germany, c.1975. Comes in a carrying case, marked 'Loaded 160NC'. Film Holders for UMK 1318 Survey Camera circa 1975
UMK 1318 Universal Photogrammetric Camera Head, manufactured by Zeiss VEB, Germany, c.1975. Serial number 267910A. Fitted with Lamegon 8/100B Carl Zaiss Jenna DDR lens, serial number 738117. Comes in carrying case, with lens cap, leather pouch and a rubber band. The case is marked with 'UMK 117' and 'heli-cone'. UMK 1318 Survey Camera Head circa 1975
UMK 1318 Universal Photogrammetric Camera Magazine, manufactured by Zeiss VEB, Germany, c.1975. Serial number 271694A. Marked with 'Good Mag 2'. UMK 1318 Survey Camera Magazine circa 1975
Bottle of Schering Celloidin, by Flatters & Garnett Ltd, c. 1935 Bottle of Schering Celloidin circa 1935
UMK 1318 Universal Photogrammetric Camera Mount, including rotating base for tripod, manufactured by Zeiss VEB, Germany, c.1975. Serial number 264872A. Fitted with a spirit level and small mirrors. Comes in a carrying case, with cables. UMK 1318 Survey Camera Mount circa 1975