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Oral history interview with Brian Bushell conducted and recorded by Bob Gwynne and Jonathan Aylen on 2 December 2016 in Tremadog, Wales. Duration: 2 hours 23 minutes 54 seconds. The interview focuses on Brian Bushell career in computing (starting at Unilever, moving to British Rail) and role in the development of TOPS (Total Operations Processing System) at British Rail. Family background, childhood, railway interest, career start, British Rail, Lever Brothers (Unilever); IBM computing skills test; computer programming training, IBM college, IBM machines; BACS (Banks Automated Credit system) system at Unilever, transporting magnetic tapes on train; designing software, coding, machine code, programming language, Autocoder, use of punch cards and discs; System controller at Lever Brothers (Unilever); applying to Computer Project Officer role at British Rail, salary comparison, British Rail computing work structure, International Computers Limited (ICL); barcoded wagons, IBM and Southern Pacific starting developing TOPS in 1964 ; British Rail Management Services responsible for computer development, difference with BR Research Derby; technical support, Computer Centres at Crewe and Peterborough, type of computing equipment; issues with computerisation of payroll, fixing programming errors; decimalisation, use of COBOL programming language, decimal conversation sub-routine; designing TOPS for British Rail, working with IBM, Southern Pacific, international collaboration; introduction of packet switching, ARPANET, standard IP address; how TOPS worked, TOPS developed by Americans, needed modification for British Rail; TOPS legacy; TOPSTRANS software

Brian Bushell interviewed by Bob Gwynne and Jonathan Aylen
