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Horwich Collection of Photographs


Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Locomotive worksplate


Framed section diagrame of signal box T. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Track for Model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR. Includes 6 left hand sets of points, 6 right hand sets of points, 1 scissors crossing and 1 set of trap or catch points. 2 sets of Y points at B junction signal box.

Track for Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Limit of shunt indicator, used to indicate the limit of shunting within a single signal box section. This this marks the limit of shunting between box A up line and Box B. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Framed section diagrame for box A. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Starting Signals are used to controle the passadge of trains between block sectiones. This example is Box B up starting signaland controles access to Box A section. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Ground semaphore signals sometimes called 'dollys' or dummies are used to controle shunting movments . This example controles trailing crosover points linking Box A down main to up main lines. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Eight lever signal frame; controles signals in box C section. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Box T starting signal for platform 2 of terminus station. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Box T up home signal. Left signal to platform 2 ; right signal platform 1 with calling on arm below, to allow trains to enter an already ocupied platform. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


20 lever signal frame; controles points and signals in box A section. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Box C inner circle home and Box B distant signals mounted on a single post. . Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Box A down home signal. Left down main, right down loop. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Bracket or junction signal, used to indicate the splitting of the running line into divergent routes. The bracket mirrors the divergence of the tracks to left or right, to train drivers. This example holds Box B junction home inner circle and outer circle home signals. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Starting Signals are used to control the passage of trains between block sections. This example is Box B inner circle srarting signal on the outer circle. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Box C outer circle home and intermediate block distant signals mounted on single post. Known as an IB, these signals controle the movment of trains from intermediate block sectiones into a block section. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Distant Signals are used to indicate the condition of the next home signal to an approching train. This example is Box B inner cicle distant signal. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Bracket or junction signal, used to indicate the splitting of the running line into divergant routes. The bracket mirrors the divergence of the tracks to left or right, to train drivers. This example holds Box A starting signal, Box B inner circle and outer circle distant signals. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Ground semaphore signals sometimes called 'dollys' or dummies are used to controle shunting movments. This example of two virtivally mounted are used to controle train movments between up line to inner cicle and outer cicle lines. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Box A up home signal and Box T distant signal. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Wooden fogman's hut, replicating the basic accomadation given to railway fogmen, who were deployed in fog and falling snow to assist in train controle at key junctiones. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Ground semaphore signals sometimes called 'dollys' or dummies are used to controle shunting movments . This exampole controles trailing crosover points linking Box A down main to up main lines. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Home or stop signal. When the arm is 'off' or raised it incicates trains are clear to pass. When the arm is 'on' this indicates trains must stop at the signal. At night, Green and red lights inicate clear or danger to oncomming trains.This example is Box B inner circle home signal. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Home or stop signal. When the arm is 'off' or raised it incicates trains are clear to pass. When the arm is 'on' this indicates trains must stop at the signal. At night, Green and red lights inicate clear or danger to oncomming trains. This example is Box B outer cicle outer home signal. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Home or stop signal. When the arm is 'off' or raised it incicates trains are clear to pass. When the arm is 'on' this indicates trains must stop at the signal. At night, Green and red lights inicate clear or danger to oncomming trains. This example is Box B inner home signal on the outer circle. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Track circuit indicator from Box T . Shows when a specific track section (TC1 in this case) is 'occupied' by rail vehicle or vehicles.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Framed section diagrame for box C. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Home and distant mechanical signal from Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway three position block instrument, in wooden case, with brass fittings, marked 'inner circle'. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Framed section diagrame for box C. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Framed section diagrame for box T. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Framed section diagrame for box A. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Brown wooden cuboard, used to house signal relays.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Poster- S Type Miniature Staff Instrument, by Railway Signal Co.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Poster - key token instrument balancing magazine by Railway Signal Co.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Wooden model of clamp points lock, used to demonstate the key working parts. On passenger railways, facing points are always locked into postion, to prevent movment, under a train.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Signal post, with stop and distant, upper quadrant signal arms.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Wooden table, with two ex-DMU desk controls and wooden diagram, with switches, used to control train movments on layout.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Signal post, with stop and calling on, upper quadrant signal arms.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Signalmans locker, with hinged lid.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Block Instrument, (permissive - co -operative) used to allow more than one train to opertate in a section. This example controles the goods loop between box A and Box B . Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Black Bakelite track circuit repeaters, designed to indicate the location of a train at a specified (track circuited) section. A low electrical current passed through the rails is short-circuited by the train’s wheels, thus trigering the repeaters indication to change from 'track clear' to 'track occupied'. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Box A Block Switch, wood, with brass fittings, LMSR type, usec to switch box A out of section between box T and box B. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Black Bakelite lamp repeaters, used to indicate if signal lamps were lit or not.. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Black Bakelite Signal repeater, designed to indicate to the signaller the position of a semaphore signal that was not visible from the signal box. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Block Instrument box B, LNWR 'Fletchers' or 'Tombestone' design. Wooden case, brass fittings and integral bell. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Welwyn Control, grey , metal, designed which must be operated (wound) by a signaller before he can clear a section signal when he cannot be given 'line clea' by the box in advance. The object uis to make the signaller stop and think what he is doing and was introduced after a serious accident at Welwyn Garden City in 1935. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout


Train Waiting indicator in black metal case. Box C Fireman's Ccall plunger. Located on model railway layout, gauge 1, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School, built 1912, by L&YR and Bassett-Lowke Ltd, with associated equipment.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Signalling School Model Railway Layout