Sample of "noil", the wool by-product of worsted manufacture, used to make felt, 1996. Sample of "noil" 1996
Portrait of Mrs HIll of Denton Hall, Ilkley taken by an unknown photographer on 29 June 1899. Photograph printed on copper plate and then pressed out from the rear using a method called Repousse. Portrait of Mrs HIll of Denton Hall 1899-06-29
Black and white silver print entitled 'Climbers, Ilkley Moor' from the series collectively titled 'Stone Walls, Grey Skies' by George Tice. Printed 10th June 1991. Purchased as part of 1990-1991 NMPFT - Bradford and Ilkley Community College Fellowship. Climbers, Ilkley Moor 1991
Birth couch, wooden and adjustable, cushions missing, by Robinson and Sons of Ilkley, 1890-1900 Birth couch 1890-1900
Portrait of unidentified middle aged woman taken by an unknown photographer. Photograph printed on copper plate and then pressed out from the rear using a method called Repousse. Mounted in oval frame. Portrait of an Unidentified Middle Aged Woman