Object type

'Pulsar' digital quartz wristwatch with light emitting diode display


Globular hair dryer 'Lady Schick Consolette"


A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled "Lancaster Penn, March '42", taken by John Collier in March 1942, depicting a child in an open carriage or car. From the Impressions Gallery exhibition "From Shore to Shining Shore", shown 25 November - 24 December 1978.

Lancaster Penn, March '42


Examinination certificate awarded to James Duff White by LMS School of Signalling (Lancaster) in Block Telegraph Regulations and Signalling etc. Arrangements, preliminary, Session 1923 to 1924.

School of Signalling examination certificate (supplied title)


Photograph album "Lancaster-Morecambe-Heysham 1908 Rolling Stock & Overhead Equipment 6600V AC", from the Chief Mechanical & Electrical Engineer's Department, Nelson Street, Derby. Contains 22 black & white photographs of Lancaster-Morecambe-Heysham 50 cycle conversion electric stock built at Woverton (including interior), trial runs of original Lancaster-Morecambe-Heysham stock including views of motor car with a steam stock trailer attached and interiors, views of original overhead equipment, and erection of overhead equipment. The majority of the photographs have their negative numbers noted. Album numbered 10. 8.2283 x 11.1417 in.

Lancaster-Morecambe-Heysham 1908 Rolling Stock & Overhead Equipment 6600V AC


Receipt, Lancaster and Carlisle Railway, for the sum of £6-5-0, being one months salary to this date and including from 1st May to 30th June 1859, signed S.A. Fawcett, with a one penny stamp, 1859.

Lancaster and Carlisle Railway receipt


Instructions, handwritten document entitled 'Conditions for Haling and Conveying the Packet Boat from the Lancaster Canal between Lancaster and Kendal', 1831.

Conditions for Haling and Conveying the Packet Boat from the Lancaster cCanal between Lancaster and Kendal


Notice , "Building Land in Preston to be Sold by Auction on Wednesday the 12th Day of June at the George Inn in Preston', printed by Clark, Lancaser, 1805.

Building Land in Preston to be Sold by Auction


Notice, 'To Be Let, at the Canal-Office in Lancaster on Friday the 25th November 1831 at Eleven O'clock in the Forenoon the Haling of the Packet-Boat, Between Lancaster and Kendal to Commence on the 1st Day of January 1832', printed by C. Clark, Lancaster, 1831.

Haling of the Packet-Boat


Notice. Caution to Trespassers. 1851. On the 8 November 1851, James Cain whilst trespassing on the Railway near Southwaite Station, was struck down by a train and killed on the spot. Black text on white background. Printed by A Milner, Printer, Guardian Office, Church Street, Lancaster. Stuck to card.

Caution to Trespassers


4 packets of spiral broach reamers, by A.S. Koch and Sons, USA, 1925-1940

4 packets of spiral broach reamers


Two examinination certificates awarded to James Duff White by the LMS School of Signalling (Lancaster) in Block Telegraph Regulations and Signalling etc. Arrangements, preliminary and intermediate examinations, session 1923 to 1924.

Examination certificates


Complete Hamilton electric watch movement, also watch-case, strap and one spare battery, designed by Richard Arbib, made by the Hamilton Watch Company, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States, 1957.

Hamilton Electric Wrist- Watch, 1957


Letter, from H C Channcy to G Stephenson (not the engineer) about signal arrangements at Tebay Joint Station Yard, North Eastern and London North Western Railway, Lancaster, 19th November 1866.

Signals at Tebay


Plate, ceramic, white with brown rim, printed red picture in centre depicting two shields, a locomotive and two carriages, inscribed round base: 'Hull and Hornsea Railway Company 1862'. Stamped on back: Hornsea, Contrast Vitramic, Lancaster. Overall: 19 mm, 159 mm.

Hull & Hornsea Railway commemorative plate


Experimental photomultiplier (type 8575, Serial No. C33530 by RCA Industrial Tube Division, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1960-1975

Experimental photomultiplier type 8575 by RCA


Notice. Lancaster and Carlisle Railway. Exhibition Trains. London and Back on and after 21 June 1851. Black text on white background. Printed by A Milner, Printer, Guardian Office, Lancaster. Stuck to card.

Lancaster and Carlisle Railway


Notice, Hopewill shipping, Lancaster Canal Company for Donald Black bound for Greenock with thirty five tons of pozzolano earth, 1800.

Hopewill shipping notice


Hope shipping note carried by Samuel Gregson for Mr. Alexander McDonald bound for Inverary for Pozzolana earth. Dated in Lancaster 16th May 1798.

Hope shipping note
