On Display
Object type

Ceramic drinks bottle


Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Carriage and Wagon guard books


Filmed in 1961 at Newton Heath motive power depot in Manchester. Footage of steam locomotives at the depot, shots of British Railways signs 'Newton Heath Motive Power Depot', 'Engine spotters are not allowed in this depot without a permit', include shots of railway staff, turntable in operation, railwaymen emptying ash pit, locomotives featured at depot include No. 45653, 50850, 52230, 45308, 90408, 90123, 51371, 42492, 49508, 52271 and some freight wagons. A film made for Railway Roundabout BBC TV, by John Adams and Patrick Whitehouse. This is the original master film reel, black and white, silent. Duration: 5 minutes

16mm film, original master 'Newton Heath Shed'


Gauge glass tube. Glass tube from centre of gauge glass. Etched 'Butterworth / ?????' on side.

Gauge Glass Tube

Gauge glass tube. Glass tube from centre of gauge glass. Etched 'Butterworth / Invincible' on side.

Gauge Glass Tube

27/03/2008 / Tape 1 / Filmed by Chris Hogg / Newton Heath depot, painting Class 155 in Northern Rail livery, attaching National Railway Museum advertising vinyls to Class 156 (156490)

Master MiniDV ' Northern Rail Newton Heath, 1'


Horse-drawn parcels van, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway, covered van L&YR No.101, c1910.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway parcels van


One photograph titled ‘Cotton’s black day. 200,000 men and girls stop work.’ Caption on the back reads: ‘…Two millgirls, who looked downhearted as they left their mill in the Newton Heath district near Manchester.’ [A longer caption is attached to the back.] Image includes crop marks. Back of the images includes lots of annotations and notes.

Daily Herald Photograph: Mill workers leaving work


Presentation smoker's cabinet related to the London Midland Scottish Railway

Presentation Smoker's Cabinet


Gauge glass tube. Glass tube from centre of gauge glass. Etched 'Butterworth / ????'.

Gauge Glass Tube

Photographs, an album of 32 platinotype prints, featuring portraits of officials of the Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway and autographed by them, possibly the property of Fred Attock, Newton Heath Carriage and Wagon Superintendent. Album, dark brown hardback covers, front cover inscribed in gold "Officials of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company 1895. F Attock". 17 gilt-edged pages, prints 5¾ x 4 ins, foxing.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway officials album


27/03/2008 / Tape 1 / Filmed by Chris Hogg / Newton Heath depot, attaching National Railway Museum advertising vinyls to Class 156 (156490)

Master MiniDV 'Northern Rail Newton Heath, 2'


Mercerising machine, made by Mather & Platt at Park Works, Newton Heath, in 1913 and used at Pollock & Cochrane Ltd's factory in Paisley, Scotland, 1913-2002.

Mercerising machine