Breathalyzer, model 1000, fully automated, made by Smith and Wesson, Pittsburg, USA, 1975-1980 Breathalyzer, model 1000 1975-1980
I-Rite optical pyrometer, made by the Gibb Instrument Co., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 20th century. I-Rite optical pyrometer 1900-1939
Assembled photographic portraits of The Faculty and Class of 1905, Department of Pharmacy, Western University of Penna (Pennsylvania). Arranged in a circular frame. Assembled photographic portraits of The Faculty and Class of 1905, Department of Pharmacy, Western University of Pennsylvania 1905
Seven sealed glass tubes containing sorbent crystals, made by and supplied through SKC Ltd, Blandford Forum, Dorset, England, and SKC Inc., Eighty Four, Pennsylvania, United States, 1996-1999. Used with a sampling pump in monitoring different gas constitutents in the air. Sorbent tubes for air sampler, 1995-1999 1995-1999
Two bottles of Smiths silicophosphate cement, liquid and powder, by the Lee S. Smith Co., USA, 1920-1940 Two bottles of Smiths silicophosphate cement 1920-1940