Busch portrait doppel-objective no 41 lens with back focus of 8 inches. With five Waterhouse stops, f/5, 6.3, 12.5, 22 and 32. With rack and pinion focusing mount. Emil Busch. Busch portrait Doppel-Objective No 41 lens
Busch Wide Angle lens, Aplanat No 2 Serie C. F:6 rotating aperture plate f/16/22/32/45/64. Emil Busch. Busch wide angle aplanat lens
Lens barrel with iris diaphragm calibrated 1-5. Four elements 15/25/35/45 in five normal, five wide angled and four landscape combination. Emil Busch. Busch Combination Lens Aplanat Series I
Busch rapid aplanat lens No. 2, by R.O.J.A vorm Emil Busch, Rathenow. Series D.F.8. 190mm lens, c.f.8 lens; iris calibrated 6,12,24,48,96,192. In chamois bag. Busch Rapid Aplanat Lens No 2
Busch Bis-Telar lens, series II. F:13 1/2 inch, f:7.5-64. Patent number 15732/05. By Emil Busch A-G Rathenow, in lined leather case. Busch Bis-Telar lens
Folding plate camera for plates or cutfilm 9 x 12cm. Drop-front pull-out type with rising front and side movement. Double extension bellows worked by rack and pinion. Fitted with a Polyplan F.7.2 135mm lens mounted in a Vario 3-speed shutter 1/25 -1/100B.T. Back ground glass and brilliant waist-level viewfinder. Made of wood and metal with leather cover. c.1914 Folding Bellows Camera circa 1914
Busch anastigmatic lens. R.O.J.A. born. Emil Busch Rathenow. Anastigmat series II No. 2 1/2; F:6", f.5.5-45. In flange on wooden lens panel 2 1/2 x 3 1/2" Busch Anastigmatic Lens
Casket lens, seven components 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75. Iris diaphragm. In lined case. Busch Vade-Mecum Lens Set No II
Emil Busch A.-G. Rathenow. Busch-Bis-Telar Series II F.7 No.3 lens with 16 inch f.l. Pat. no. 15732/05, serial no. 210841. Busch-Bis-Telar Series II Lens
No 3 telephoto lens F:16 inches f/7.7-64. No 217032. Patent No 15732/05. Busch/ Busch Bis-Telar Series II telephoto lens
Busch's portrait aplanat No.2 lens F.8 with 7 inch f.l. with a ring type iris diaphragm. c.1910. Busch's portrait aplanat No.2 lens circa 1910