Object type

Szczepanik Colour Camera


Busch Bis Talor Series III F7

circa 1914

Busch's Aplanatsatz Lens and Case.

Wide angle lens Nr.l Series

circa 1900

Busch Rapid Aplanat No. 3 Lens and Thornton Pickard Shutter

Rapid Rectilinear Lens

circa 1908

Busch aplanatsatz lens F.8

circa 1900

Compound monocular microscope made by Emil Busch A. G.


Sighting telescope for Maxim machine gun


Busch Rapid Aplanat Nr. 2 Lens

circa 1900

Brass mounted Busch Rapid Aplanat No.3 lens F.8 10 inch f.l.

circa 1900

Busch Anastigmat Glaukar lens F.3.1

circa 1922

Clyptar anastigmat lens F.3.5 35mm f.1 with a ring type iris diaphragm

circa 1924

Busch-Bis-Telar F.9 No.3 lens with 14 inch f.l. with ring type iris diaphragm. Busch

circa 1910

Busch portrait doppel-objective no 41 lens with back focus of 8 inches. With five Waterhouse stops, f/5, 6.3, 12.5, 22 and 32. With rack and pinion focusing mount. Emil Busch.

Busch portrait Doppel-Objective No 41 lens

Busch Wide Angle lens, Aplanat No 2 Serie C. F:6 rotating aperture plate f/16/22/32/45/64. Emil Busch.

Busch wide angle aplanat lens

Lens barrel with iris diaphragm calibrated 1-5. Four elements 15/25/35/45 in five normal, five wide angled and four landscape combination. Emil Busch.

Busch Combination Lens Aplanat Series I

Busch rapid aplanat lens No. 2, by R.O.J.A vorm Emil Busch, Rathenow. Series D.F.8. 190mm lens, c.f.8 lens; iris calibrated 6,12,24,48,96,192. In chamois bag.

Busch Rapid Aplanat Lens No 2

Busch Bis-Telar lens, series II. F:13 1/2 inch, f:7.5-64. Patent number 15732/05. By Emil Busch A-G Rathenow, in lined leather case.

Busch Bis-Telar lens

Folding plate camera for plates or cutfilm 9 x 12cm. Drop-front pull-out type with rising front and side movement. Double extension bellows worked by rack and pinion. Fitted with a Polyplan F.7.2 135mm lens mounted in a Vario 3-speed shutter 1/25 -1/100B.T. Back ground glass and brilliant waist-level viewfinder. Made of wood and metal with leather cover. c.1914

Folding Bellows Camera

circa 1914

Busch anastigmatic lens. R.O.J.A. born. Emil Busch Rathenow. Anastigmat series II No. 2 1/2; F:6", f.5.5-45. In flange on wooden lens panel 2 1/2 x 3 1/2"

Busch Anastigmatic Lens

Casket lens, seven components 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75. Iris diaphragm. In lined case.

Busch Vade-Mecum Lens Set No II

Emil Busch A.-G. Rathenow. Busch-Bis-Telar Series II F.7 No.3 lens with 16 inch f.l. Pat. no. 15732/05, serial no. 210841.

Busch-Bis-Telar Series II Lens

Busch rapid aplanat lens No.2 F: 8 inches f/8-64. In lens flange. Busch

Busch Rapid Aplanat lens

No 3 telephoto lens F:16 inches f/7.7-64. No 217032. Patent No 15732/05. Busch/

Busch Bis-Telar Series II telephoto lens

Busch's portrait aplanat No.2 lens F.8 with 7 inch f.l. with a ring type iris diaphragm. c.1910.

Busch's portrait aplanat No.2 lens

circa 1910