Type C2000 portable gas and air sampler, made of plastic, metal and glass, made by Rotheroe and Mitchell Ltd., South Ruislip, English, 1950-1979 Type C2000 portable gas and air sampler 1950-1979
Thorn EMI dummy non-encapsulated intensifier tube type 9912 Thorn EMI dummy non-encapsulated intensifier tube 1975-1983
One photograph of a man working on an organ console titled 'New organ for Royal Chapel in Windsor Park'. Caption on back reads: 'J.W. Walker and Sons, of Ruislip, Middlesex, are making a new organ for the little Royal Chapel in Windsor Great Park where the King and Queen worship'. Daily Herald Photograph: Building an organ for the Royal Chapel 1937-07-28
Thorn EMI dummy encapsulated image intensifier tube type 9912 Thorn EMI dummy encapsulated image intensifier tube 1975-1983