Object type

Daily Herald Photograph; Selling Pigs at Market


Children in hospital


Stacking chair


Steel strap used with plywood mould to shape wood by steaming for the structual parts of chairs


Plywood mould used with the steel strap to shape wood by steaming for the structual parts of chairs


Female lithotomy staff


Black plastic rack contraining nine slides of blue glass ('Lovibond glasses') in increasingly dark tints


Seton needle



Colourphone folder for matching colours by artificial light


Closing of the Sheppey Light Railway


Salisbury Cathedral


Door knocker of face and acorns made by Paul Allen


Daily Herald Photograph: Farm Apprentices


Salisbury Cathedral


Salisbury Cathedral


Lovibond's pigmentation meter by Tintometer Ltd.


Experimental device for freezing cell cultures designed by James Lovelock and Chris Polge


Lancet, steel, in tortoiseshell sheath


Straight lithotomy forceps with bilateral scoop blades and cross-action shanks


Female lithotomy staff


Tintometer, 1886, comprising optical instruments with hinged reflector, hinged stands (2), blocks, 300 standard glasses and cells

Tintometer, 1886, comprising optical instruments with hinged reflector


PA Reuter photograph titled 'Catching a cold - for science'. Caption on back reads: Dr. D. Tyrell, the resident virologist, drops fluid containing a virus into the nose of Miss Bette Anderson of Marlow, Buckinghamshire, a volunteer at the Common Cold Research Unit near Salisbury, Wiltshire, today (Thursday). Miss Laura Weston of Dudley, Worcestershire, and Miss Larch Garrad (at rear) of Weston-super-Mare await their turn. They are spending ten days helping scientists try and discover the virus causing the common cold so that a cure can be developed. Volunteers, who are still needed, stand a 40 per cent chance of catching a cold after being given nose drops containing virus.

Catching a cold - for science

8 January 1959

One photograph showing staff waiting for busses outside Paines - Wessex Firework factory.

Daily Herald Photograph; Firework Manufacturing Staff


Leaflet, British Railways (Southern Region), "Country Afternoon Tickets", the front cover is orange and decorated with flowers, bees and a bee hive, printed by The Salisbury Press Ltd., 1964.

Country Afternoon Tickets


Lovibond disc - Phosphatase

Lovibond disc - Phosphatase


Lovibond disc - Protein B

Lovibond disc - Protein B


Oral history interview with Margaret Willmot conducted and recorded by Dr Jonathan Aylen on 8 December 2016. Duration: 1 hour 2 minutes 28 seconds. The interview focuses on Margaret Willmot’s experience as a junior programmer on TOPS (Total Operations Processing System) at British Rail. Start of railway career, TOPS (Total Operations Processing System), education, computing degree, job application; [00:03:23] British Rail induction, COBOL programming language, computing people vs railway people career approach; BR computer centres, machine types; work on TOPS at Blandford House, gender stereotypes, work on TOPSTRANS; [00:07:30] programming language in TOPSTRANS, assembler based macro language, how it worked, [00:14:23], computer core memory, data storage on magnetic tapes; TOPS customed built equipment, operating system; [00:18:30] disc drives vs tape drives, online vs offline processing; [00:20:00] TOPS wagons team, coding applications related to wagons, how coding was done, equipment used, punch cards, tele-type, team reaction to online machine, typing cards, programmers and typists, typing error example; [00:23:35] writing new enquiry for commodity code, modifying existing code, American code vs British Rail code, STANOX, TOPS Responsibility Areas (TRA), end of punch cards; [00:26:05] ventek cards 96 columns punch cards vs 80 column cards, no use of paper tape on TOPS; [00:29:51] enquiry for commodity code, security in TOPS; safety, preventative maintenance of wagons in TOPS, ‘cripples’ wagon; [00:32:20] TOPS wagon team, colleagues, organisation, way of working, hard coding, complexity of wagon movements in Scunthorpe area; [00:36:05] modification to original American TOPS for use by British Rail, example of obsolete codes for United Kingdom application; TOPS telecommunication, BR private phone lines; [00:41:10] British Rail choosing IBM over ICL; training on TOPSTRANS by Southern Pacific, relationship with Americans, helping with issues, BR staff visits to USA; interviewer discussing origin of TOPS; [00:46:20] example of computer crashing with application programme, technical issues and requirement, human errors rather than programme errors, example of issues with wagons, missing wagons, numbers painted on wagons; wagon audited against TOPS data; [00:55:00] working hours, office based work, junior position, reflections on experience on TOPS, camaraderie in TOPS team, TOPS experience useful in next job, if TOPS is still in use; date formatting in TOPS, space saving format; [00:59:30] leaving TOPS and British Railway, career after TOPS, San Francisco based computing company, revenue system for Eurotunnel; [01:01:00] further reflection on experience on TOPS [01:02:28] [end of interview]

Margaret Willmot interviewed by Jonathan Aylen


Lovibond tintometer (without box) made by The Tintometer Ltd., Salisbury, with glass filters and cells, 1920-1930

Lovibond tintometer (without box) made by The Tintometer Ltd.


Tintometer, Model F, with accessiories kit, 181059, 1997.

Tintometer, Model F


A fibreglass cast of the 15th corbel in St. Martin's Church, Salisbury, showing spectacles of the earliest known style worn in Europe, made Salisbury, Wiltshire, England, 1960.

Replica of Corbel with Spectacles, 15th Century

1401-1500 (original); 1960 (model)

Roll of paper for the electronic payment terminal, by Racal Transcom Ltd, Salisbury, Wiltshire, England, 1990-1998

Roll of paper for the electronic payment terminal


Captive power and telephone line leads for the electronic payment terminal, by Racal Transcom Ltd, Salisbury, Wiltshire, England, 1990-1998

Captive power and telephone line leads for the electronic payment terminal


Scrapbook and collection of newspaper and magazine cuttings relating to the MRC Common Cold Research Unit, Salisbury and research into the common cold, 1980-86.

MRC Common Cold Reseach Unit scrapbook and cuttings


Two boxes of assorted photographs and magazines relating to the MRC Common Cold Research Unit, Salisbury and research into the common cold, 1980-86.

Common Cold Research Unit photographs and magazines


typist, typing pool; Divisional Traffic Department; (husband) clerk; traffic control; special trains; d.o.b. 1926-10-30, railway work 1942-1948, Woking; Waterloo. 3.1496 x 2.8346 x .315 in.

Adgie, Irene


Lovibond disc - Bilirubin

Lovibond disc - Bilirubin


Lovibond Disc - Lange Colloidal Gold test

Lovibond Disc - Lange Colloidal Gold test


Lovibond 1000 Comparator with p.nitro-phenol ring

Lovibond 1000 Comparator with p.nitro-phenol ring


Early pattern of Lovibond Tintometer, with box of glass samples (without lid?), by Tintometer Ltd., Salisbury, England, c. 1900 (invented in 1894)

Early pattern of Lovibond Tintometer


Lovibond chromoradiometer for the estimation of X-ray dosage in radiotherapy using Sabourand-Noire pastilles, by The Tintometer Ltd., Salisbury, England, 1915-1939

Lovibond chromoradiometer for the estimation of X-ray dosage in radiotherapy using Sabourand-Noire pastilles


Lovibond disc - Protein A

Lovibond disc - Protein A


humidity testing kit made by Tintometer, Sailsbury, England, used in the laboratory at the Horlicks Factory in Slough.

Horlicks humidity testing kit


CPI Stereoplotter, 1981

CPI Stereoplotter, 1981


Notice. British Railways (Southern Region). Closure of the East Kent light railway from Wingham (Canterbury Road) to a point immediately north of Eythorne from 1 December 1950. Green text on white background. BR ref: AD6205/B1. Printed by The Salisbury Press Ltd, Salisbury. 40.0394 x 25.0787 in.

Closure of the East Kent Light Railway


Lovibond tintometer "British Drughouses pattern" No.2305 in "white light cabinet" also marked "Lovibond Schofield Apparatus, Rothamstead Device". Made in England by the Tintometer Ltd, The Colour Laboratory, Salisbury, England

Lovibond tintometer "British Drughouses pattern" No.2305
