Object type

Enlarged photographs of the planet Mars


Halley's Comet; E E Barnard


Glass positive 12" x 10":- globular star cluster in Pegasus. M.15.N.G.C. 7078. Enlarged from R.A.S. neg. no. 102. Ritchey and Sullivan, Yerkes Observatory, 1900, October 3

Glass positive 12" x 10":- globular star cluster in Pegasus. M.15.N.G.C. 7078.


Glass positive of:- Great Nebula in Andromeda (M.31.N.G.C.224,205,221). Ritchey and Pease, Yerkes. 24-inch Relflector 1901, September 18. 14"x17". Prepared from negative R.A.S. No.98

Glass positive of:- Great Nebula in Andromeda


High level (H2) calcium vapour surrounding the Great Sun-spot of 1903, October 10, 9h. 9m. C. S.T. slit at 3968.6 Sun's diam. = .77 metre, taken with the Rumford spectroheliograph and 40-inch refractor of the Yerkes Observatory by G.E. Hale and F. Ellerman

High level (H2) calcium vapour surrounding the Great Sun-spot of 1903


Portion of the Moon (rough crater region above Mare Nubium) G.W. Ritchey and by F.R. Sullivan, with 40-inch Yerkes visual refractor colour screen, and isochromatic plate, 1901, November 21, age about 10 1/2 days, term about -38[o]m., exposure, 1 sec.

Portion of the Moon; crater region above Mare Nubium


Portion of the Moon (Theophilus, etc.) G.W. Richey with 40-inch Yerkes visual refractor, 1900, October 12

Portion of the Moon


Portion of the Moon (Mare serenitatis and Mare tranquillitatis) G.W. Ritchey and F.R. Sullivan, with 40-inch Yerkes visual refractor, colour screen, and Isochromatic plate, 1901, August 3, age about 18 1/2 days, term, about 44[o] E., exposure, 1/2 sec.

Portion of the Moon (Mare serenitatis and Mare tranquillitatis) G.W. Ritchey and F.R. Sullivan


Enlarged photographs of the planet Mars, E.E. Barnard, Yerkes Observatory, 1909, September 24th, 16h. 55m. G.M.T. 40-inch refractor, exposure, 4 sec, to 5 sec, Yellow colour screen

Enlarged photographs of the planet Mars


Nebula in Andromeda; N.G.C. 224, 205, 221. R.A., Oh 36m. Decl., + 40 degrees 30'. G.W. Ritchey and F.G. Pease, Yerkes Observatory; 1901, September 18; 24-inch Reflector; Focal length, 93 in. Exposure, 4 hours

Nebula in Andromeda; N.G.C. 224