Object type

Items from MRC Common Cold Unit


Goose Girl (Ruth Ford)


Broadsheet notices for A series of lectures by Mr Droffnore


British Railways holiday guide "The Glorious Thames," 1957. Includes timetables for Salter Bros. steamers. Text by Maxwell Fraser. Cover art by Balley. 9.0551 x 3.9764 in.

The Glorious Thames


Oral history interview with Alan Deboo, conducted and recorded by David Maidment at the interviewee's home in Wiltshire on 22 September 2020. Duration: 1 hr. 9 min. 41 sec. Early career; joined British Rail (BR) as Personnel Manager 1989; culture comparison; Organising for Quality (OfQ); policies; communications; bargaining; Cannon Street accident; support after accidents; privatisation; travel benefits; advising government; Travel Facilities Working Party; pensions and redundancy arrangements; communication with staff and trade unions; Ministry of Defence; redundancy support package; train operating company (TOC) profits; culture comparison; temporary companies; scale of work; BR sports facilities; advising government on change in trade union bargaining power due to fragmentation

Alan Deboo interviewed by David Maidment


Prototype detective roll film camera made by H.N.B. Good at Devizes, Wiltshire, 1889

Prototype detective roll film camera made by H.N.B. Good at Devizes


Oral history interview with Peter Forbes, conducted and recorded by Richard Spoors at the interviewee's home in Wiltshire on 5 June 2018. Duration: 55 min. 15 sec. Early career; Senior Technical Officer (STO) Swansea; Area Civil Engineer Preston; sectorisation; Civil Engineer Regional Railways; creation of Railtrack; creating Railtrack Zone boundaries; British Rail Infrastructure Services (BRIS); separation of renewals and maintenance; Western Infrastructure Maintenance Unit (Western IMU) management buyout (MBO); privatisation of BRIS; leading MBO; relationship with Railtrack; Amey; Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations (TUPE); new transport fleet; Amey buyout of MBO team; retirement

Peter Forbes interviewed by Richard Spoors


One photograph of a woman displaying 'Pixytone' mains wireless sets, titled 'World's smallest wireless?'. Caption on back reads: 'ALICE PICKETT, 19-year-old assembly worker, pictured here with models of the 'Pixytone', one of the world's smallest mains wireless sets, at the Ingleburne Products Ltd. factory in Malmesbury, Wilts. These globe-semi-globe models were intended originally to be electric table lighters, but a visitor to the factory jokingly remarked to one of the firm's directors that the neat little gadgets would make fine miniature radio sets. the firm took the joke seriously, and now Pixytones are coming off the assembly line at the rate of 1,000 per week. Five inches high and two pounds in weight, they can be used on mains, in a car, or carried about with a dry battery for power. Not yet available on the home market, the Pixytone is designed to sell for under £6. The model is earning dollars in overseas markets'.

Daily Herald Photograph: Pixytone mains wireless sets


British Railways holiday guide "The Glorious Thames," 1961. Includes timetables for Salter Bros. steamers. 9.0945 x 3.9764 in.

The Glorious Thames


An early photographic view of the South Terrace at Lacock Abbey in Wiltshire, taken by William Henry Fox Talbot around 1843. This salt print from calotype (paper negative) is part of an album known as, ‘Lady Elisabeth’s album’. Lady Elisabeth Feilding was Talbot’s mother. On a decorative photographic bookplate on the inside front cover of the album is the inscription, ‘E.T.F. 1844’, which is the monogram of Lady Elisabeth Feilding. All the photographs in the album have their titles written underneath in Lady Elisabeth’s hand.

South Terrace, Lacock Abbey


Vintage silver gelatin print by Bill Brandt, titled "The Bratton Horse, Wiltshire". Undated.

The Bratton Horse, Wiltshire


Oral history interview with Terence Worrall, conducted and recorded by David Maidment at the interviewee's home in Ramsbury on 22 October 2019. Duration: 1 hr. 7 min. 34 sec. Early career; St Pancras; Management Trainee; Assistant Area Manager; Operations Director British Railways Board (BRB); Organising for Quality (OfQ); preparing for privatisation; safety case validation; BRB attitude to privatisation; politics; retirement; Transmark; Ladbroke Grove accident; Hatfield accident; infrastructure interface; Railtrack safety function; rolling stock safety; Managing Director Thames Trains; signals passed at danger (SPADs); electrification; safety implications of privatisation; Class 153 door safety; InterCity door locking; Cannon Street accident; industry acceptance of safety; safety management since privatisation

Terence Worrall interviewed by David Maidment
