Place born
Organisation / Person
1898-1994, printer, Geneva, Switzerland

Sonor SA

1898 - 1994

1843-1877, soldier; photographer, British

Swiney, Captain Hugh Bladen

1843 - 1877

1871-1948, aviator; inventor, American

Wright, Orville

1871 - 1948

1873-1903, inventor, British

Turner, Edward Raymond

1873 - 1903

1876-1958, poster artist; illustrator, British

Dexter, Walter

1876 - 1958

active 1844-1929, patentee of the Lowne's portable spirometer, British

Lowne, Robert Mann

1844 - 1929

1824-1893, brewer, benefactor, Scottish, British

Walker, Sir Andrew Barclay

1824 - 1893

1887-1942, painter; artist; porcelain painter; poster artist, British

Tittensor, Harry

1887 - 1942

1895-1970, medallist, British

Metcalfe, Percy

1895 - 1970

1866-1959, printer; publisher, London; Paris; New York

Raphael Tuck and Sons Limited

1866 - 1959

active 1850-1869, chartered civil engineer, England, British

Metford, William Ellis

1824 - 1899

1900-1972, physician; ophthalmologist, Welsh; British

Pugh, Mary Agnes

1900 - 1972

1853-1917, inventor; camera manufacturer; manufacturer of optical devices; camera retailer, Belgian

van Neck, Louis

1853 - 1917

1850-1923, surgeon, British; English

Harrison Cripps, William

1850 - 1923

1862-1928, naturalist, author and lecturer, British

Kearton, Richard

1862 - 1928

active 1904-1948, optical instrument maker (spectroscopes etc.), London, England

Adam Hilger Limited

1904 - 1945

1867-1944,active 1890-1920s, inventor; scientific & medical instrument maker, Austrian

Castagna, Ludwig

1867 - 1944

1863-1939; artist, British

Carter, Sir William

1863 - 1939

1851-1940, physicist, English; British

Lodge, Sir Oliver Joseph

1851 - 1940

1883-1966, cartoonist; illustrator; poster artist, British; Welsh

Thomas, Herbert Samuel

1883 - 1966

1821?-1897, active 1830-1853, etcher; draughtsman, British

Ashley, Alfred

1821 - 1897

1895-1949, poster artist; artist; painter, British

Marston, Freda

1895 - 1949

1885-1939, sculptor; medallist, French

Dammann, Paul-Marcel

1885 - 1939

c1840-1882, photographer, United States, Irish; American

O'Sullivan, Timothy H

1840 - 1882

1889-1926, camera and cinema equipment manufacturer, Dresden, Germany

Ernemann Werke

1889 - 1926

1839-1897, optical instrument maker, German-born; British

Hilger, Adam

1839 - 1897

1900-1951, publishers, British

Locomotive Publishing Company Limited

1900 - 1951

1886-1923, Met Office employee, RNVR Lieutenant, RAF Flight Lieutenant, British

Gendle, Albert Edgar

1809 - 1923

1862-1969, brand 1862-1988, confectionary manufacturer, British


1862 - 1988

1848-1903, engineer, English; British

Holt, Henry Percy

1848 - 1903

1886-1924, lens manufacturer, Leicester, England

Taylor, Taylor and Hobson Limited

1886 - 1924

1885-1965, artist; sculptor; medallist, British

Preston, Edward Carter

1885 - 1965

1896 - 1962, engineer, designer, Ukraine

Bolsky, Jacques

1896 - 1962

active 1840s, barometer maker, London

Pastorelli and Son

1848 - 1849

1872-1944, artist, photographer, France

Dubreuil, Pierre

1872 - 1944

1858-1932, marine boiler designer, English; British

Reed, Joseph W

1858 - 1932

1902-1960, active 1950s, poster artist, Irish born, active Scotland

Macfarlane, Alasdair

1902 - 1960

1894-1960, poster printer; printer; lithographer, London

The Baynard Press

1894 - 1960

1887-1960 (though name Raleigh still used), motor bike and cycle manufacturer, Nottingham, England

Raleigh Cycle Company Limited

1887 - 1960

1880-1934, paleopathologist, American

Moodie, Roy Lee

1880 - 1934

1889-1982, electrical engineer; inventor, Russian; American

Zworykin, Vladimir Kosma

1889 - 1982

1853-1967, tool manufacturers, Salford, England

Craven Brothers Limited

1853 - 1967

1842-1909, astronomical instrument maker, French

Gautier, Paul Ferdinand

1842 - 1909

1864-1950, photographer, British; English

Robinson, Alfred Hind

1864 - 1950

1823-1895, faience maker, French

J. Vieillard & Cie

1823 - 1895

1890-1965, photographer, British

Jarché, James

1890 - 1965

1868-1947, manufacturer of chemicals, Battersea, London, England

Whiffen and Sons Limited

1868 - 1947

1826-1891, photographer, Canadian

Notman, William

1826 - 1891

1903-1922, 1963-present, railway company and heritage railway, Wales

Welshpool & Llanfair Light Railway

1903 - 1922

1901-1968, poster artist, British

Merriott, Jack

1901 - 1968