Place born
Organisation / Person
Scottish physician; pathologist; associated with Burke and Hare

Knox, Robert

1791 - 1862

1837-1936, physician; pathologist; hygienist, French

Brouardel, Paul Camille Hippolyte

1837 - 1906

1821-1902, physician; pathologist; anthropologist, German

Virchow, Rudolf Ludwig Karl

1821 - 1902

1809-1885, pathologist; anatomist, German

Henle, Friedrich Gustav Jacob

1809 - 1885

1863-1898, physician; pathologist; bacteriologist, Brazilian

Kanthack, Alfredo Antunes

1863 - 1898

1824-1880, surgeon, pathologist; anthropologist, French

Broca, Paul

1824 - 1880

1860-1895, physician; pathologist; surgeon, German

Schimmelbusch, Curt

1860 - 1895

1814-1899, physician; surgeon, British

Paget, Sir James

1814 - 1899

1878-1957, pathologist; physiologist, Hungarian

Plesch, Janos

1878 - 1957

1866-1955, physiologist; pathologist, British; English

Martin, Sir Charles James

1866 - 1955

1825-1892, pathologist; physician, British

Aitken, Sir William

1825 - 1892

1668-1707, doctor; medical researcher; anatomist; pathologist; physician, Croatian-born Armenian

Baglivi, Giorgio

1668 - 1707

1868-1943, pathologist, Austrian born; American

Landsteiner, Karl

1868 - 1943

1839-1911, physician; surgeon; pathologist, French

Dieulafoy, Paul Georges

1839 - 1911

active 1777-1835, surgeon; pathologist; physician, French

Dupuytren, Guillaume

1777 - 1835

1839-1925, pathologist, German

Naunyn, Bernhard

1839 - 1925

1804-1878, physician; pathologist, Bohemian; Czech

Rokitansky, Carl von

1804 - 1878

1845-1904, pathologist; bacteriologist, German

Weigert, Karl

1845 - 1904

1863-1946, bacteriologist, pathologist, Kentucky, American

Flexner, Simon

active 1890s, inventor; professor of pathology, Italian

Bianchi, Aurelio