Place born
Organisation / Person
1855-1941, physician; surgeon; historian, British

Power, Sir D'Arcy

1855 - 1941

1861-1933, physician, photographer, British

Rodman, George Hook

1861 - 1933

1841-1910, physician; surgeon, French

Farabeuf, Louis Hubert

1841 - 1910

1817-1889, metallurgist; physician, British

Percy, John

1817 - 1889

1900-1972, physician; ophthalmologist, Welsh; British

Pugh, Mary Agnes

1900 - 1972

1844-1929, physician; surgeon; bacteriologist, Scottish; British

Ogston, Sir Alexander

1844 - 1929

1845-1922, physician, French

Laveran, Charles Louis Alphonse

1845 - 1922

1821-1902, physician; pathologist; anthropologist, German

Virchow, Rudolf Ludwig Karl

1821 - 1902

1771-1802, physician; anatomist; physiologist, French

Bichat, Marie Francois Xavier

1771 - 1802

1741-1832, physician, French

Portal, Antoine

1741 - 1832

c 460-c 370 BCE, philosopher; physician, Greek


460 - 370

1865-1951, physician; surgeon; inventor of type of mask to administer anaesthetic, British

Cheatle, Sir George Lenthal

1865 - 1951

c. 304-250 BCE, physician, Greek

Erasistratus of Chios

c. 304 BCE - c. 250 BCE

1616-1654, physician; astrologer; apothecary, British

Culpeper, Nicholas

1616 - 1654

1863-1898, physician; pathologist; bacteriologist, Brazilian

Kanthack, Alfredo Antunes

1863 - 1898

1841-1928, physician; anatomist, Polish

Laskowski, Sigismond L

1841 - 1928

1850-1928, physician; homeopath, British

Reed, William Cash

1850 - 1928

1737-1828, physician; inventor of an aerated water apparatus, British

Nooth, Dr John Mervyn

1737 - 1828

1758-1840, physician; astronomer, German

Olbers, Heinrich Wilhelm Matthias

1758 - 1840

1810-1894, physician; anatomist, Austrian

Hyrtl, Joseph

1810 - 1894

1812-1896, physician; inventor of a vaccinator, British

Weir, Thomas Graham

1812 - 1896

1840-1912, physician; toxicologist; forensic scientist; university professor, British

Mann, John Dixon

1840 - 1912

1840-1892, physician; naturalist; governor, German

Schnitzer, Eduard

1840 - 1892

1891-1941, physician; medical researcher, Canadian

Banting, Sir Frederick Grant

1891 - 1941

1818-1858, physician; surgeon, British

Stack, Thomas

1818 - 1858

1626-1697, physician; poet, Italian

Redi, Francesco

1626 - 1697

1516-1565, physician; naturalist, Swiss

Gesner, Konrad

1516 - 1565

1865-1936, physician; surgeon, British

Moynihan, Berkeley George Andrew

1865 - 1936

1913-1971, physician; professor of anatomy, British

Harris, Geoffrey Wingfield

1913 - 1971

1858-1929, physician, British

Davies, Arthur Templer

1858 - 1929

1805-1869, physician; phrenologist, English; British

Epps, John

1805 - 1869

1891-1961, physician; radiologist, British

Burkitt, Frederick Thomas

1891 - 1961

1871-1913, physician, Irish

Alcock, Nathaniel Henry

1871 - 1913

1849-1924, physician; bacteriologist, Danish

Salomonsen, Carl Julius

1849 - 1924

1796-1894, physician, British; English

Hawkins, Francis Bisset

1796 - 1894

1636 or 1637-1702, physician; writer, Dutch

Harvey, Gideon

1636 - 1702

1812-1895, physician; surgeon, French

Marjolin, Rene

1812 - 1895

1755-1830, physician; anatomist; atropologist; paleontologist; inventor, German

Soemmerring, Samuel Thomas von

1755 - 1830

1855-1929, physician; surgeon, British

Bowlby, Sir Alfred Anthony

1855 - 1929

1493-1541, alchemist; physician; astrologer; general occultist, Swiss


1493 - 1541

1849-1924, physician; geologist, British

MacCulloch, William Mansell

1849 - 1924

1713-1772, physician; inventor of geomagnetic instruments, English

Knight, Gowin

1713 - 1772

1829-1901, physician; chemist, German

Thudichum, John Louis William

1829 - 1901

1787-1875, physician, Italian

Bufalini, Maurizio

1787 - 1875

1894-1973, anaesthetist; physician, British

Jarman, Ronald

1894 - 1973

1755-1843, homeopathist physician, German

Hahnemann, Samuel

1755 - 1843

1853-1928, physician, British

Tirard, Sir Nestor Isidor Charles

1853 - 1928

1776-1841, physician; educationist, English; British

Birkbeck, George

1776 - 1841

1730-1774?, physician; French

Le Thieullier, Louis Pierre Felix Rene

1730 - 1774

1636 or 1838-1706, physician; anatomist, French, published Nouvelles tables anatomiques, 1678

Bourdon, Amé

1636 - 1706