ME3000 Mekometer, in working order. Serial no.218030. Made by Kern & Co. AG, Aarau, Switzerland circa 1975. In two orange carrying cases. Powerpacks not supplied Model ME3000 mekometer, 1972-1977 1972-1977
Prototype mekometer ME 3000 with corner cube reflector by Kern and Co., Aarau, Switzerland, 1965-1975. Prototype mekometer ME 3000, 1970 1970
Theodolite, DKM2 model, by Kern & Co. AG, Aarau, Switzerland, serial no. 128593, in carrying case, no tripod, early 1960s. Height (cased) 270 mm, Width (case) 122mm, Length (case) 160mm, Length (telescope) 169mm. Model DKM2 theodolite, 1960-1965 1960-1965
Folding all metal camera for 3 1/2 x 2 1/2 inch plates. Fitted with a Kern lens F: 105mm f/4.5-36 No.1293. Compur shutter 1/2/5/10/25/50/100/250/B/T. on detachable lens panel. Rack and pinion rising front. Rack and pinion focusing. Wire frame finder, back sight missing, small folding frame finder added. Revolving back with sprung hood. With Rollex 120 rollflilm back. Kern and co c.1924 Kern Bijou camera 1919-1929