Wooden snuff mortar in form of carved female figure with mortar on her head in form of Chokwe drum 1880-1925
Bundle of grasses used as brush for sweeping up a baby's stools (olukatero lokukombo okana) 1860-1910
Glass fronted display case with mounted reed enema tube and two black and white photographs showing a mother giving an enema to her child, Kyanyama tribe, (South Angola), maker of tube, Miss Cotton Powell, Photographer, case English, 1920-1930 Glass fronted display case with mounted reed enema tube and two black and white photographs 1920-1930
Glass drum containing enema powder made from fungus and beans, mounted on cardboard backing, part of Orambo enema material, Orambo tribe, southern Angola, Africa, Owangwe, 1910-1937 Glass drum containing enema powder made from fungus and beans 1930-1937
Small pieces of bark (ombada), Dombondola tribe, Angola, 1900-1930 Small pieces of bark (ombada) 1900-1930