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Place of origin
Lambert and Cadett's exposure meter, made by Cadett and Neall. Cardboard slide-rule calculator; calibrated for: time of year and day; weather; plate speed H and D 3-400; subject; time; aperture. Pinhole table.

Lambert and Cadett's exposure meter

Dibdin's Automatic exposure meter made by Cadett and Neall Ltd. Cardboard exposure calculator for Cadett plates. Scales for subject, light, f no. time.

Dibdin's Automatic exposure meter made by Cadett and Neall Ltd


Incorporating Lambert and Cadett's sliderule type exposure calculator, viewmeter partly missing, detachable exposure record (detached).

The Practical Photographer's Vade Recum

Commemorative mug, ceramic, produced to commemorate the centenary of the railway 1825-1925, depicting George Stephenson 1781 -1848 and picture of 'Locomotion'. Salt glazed stoneware; text and images moulded. Made by Ashtead Potters Limited. Makers marks underneath. Overall: 170 mm x 135 mm x 92 mm diameter. Commissioned by LNER. Described by maker as a 'One quart capacity tankard J17'.

Railway centenary commemorative mug 1825-1925


Commemorative mug, ceramic, produced to commemorate the centenary of the railway 1825-1925, depicting George Stephenson 1781 -1848 and picture of 'Locomotion'. Salt glazed stoneware; text and images moulded. Made by Ashtead Potters Limited. Makers marks underneath. Overall: 170 mm x 135 mm x 95 mm diameter. Commissioned by London & North Eastern Railway. Described by maker as a 'One quart capacity tankard J17'.

Railway centenary commemorative mug 1825-1925


Card calculator; scales for subject, aperture, lighting, time; copyright 22/5/94.

Dibdin's Automatic Exposure Meter

Card sliderule exposure calculator.

Dibdin's Automatic Exposure Meter

Publicity volume. Great Eastern Railway. Sun Pictures of the Norfolk Broads by Payne Jennings. 1897. Photographs by Payne Jennings with accompanying descriptions by E R Suffling. Art nouveau design on covers with GER crest. Printed by The Studio, Art Photo Works, Ashstead, Surrey. 104pp plus frontespiece, title page, list of photographs and covers.

GER publicity volume