Early silicon crystal manufactured by zone refining at the Services Electronic Research Laboratory 1951
The first visible light (helium-neon) laser to operate in the United Kingdom, made at the Services Electronics Research Laboratories, Baldock, about 1962 (former RSRE museum no. 70) visible light (helium-neon) laser 1961-1963
"Ectron" single pulse electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) machine, without headset, with long mains lead (plug cut off), by Ectron Ltd., Baldock, Hertfordshire, c. 1950. Carrying handle on top, surrounded by four very simple controls: on/off switch, unlabeled button, white light, and red light. Corrosion on top but none underneath. Manufacturer's label calls it 'Electroconvulsant [sic] Apparatus', serial no. 968. 'Denton No. 9.' written on two underside panels in black marker. Compare 1980-1387. "Ectron" single pulse electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) machine 1950-1951
Case, cut away to reveal the interior, containing ruby laser, the second to operate in the United Kingdom, made at the Services Electronics Research Laboratories, Baldock, in 1961 Ruby laser, the second to operate in the United Kingdom. 1961
Voltmace Delta Analogue Joysticks and Boxes, c.1980s Voltmace Delta Analogue Joysticks and Boxes 1981-1990
"Ectron" single pulse electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) machine, with bilateral headset (both sides wrapped with gauze) with long mains lead (plug cut off), made by Ectron Ltd., Baldock, Hertfordshire, 1950-51. Manufacturer's label on bottom calls it 'Electroconvulsant [sic] Apparatus'. Corrosion and leakage on bottom, so serial no. is no longer legible; 'D.2. B.H.M.C.' written in black marker on bottom. Compare 1980-1386. "Ectron" single pulse electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) machine 1950-1951