`Vapor Control' double-jacketted form of pressure cooker, also known a s the `Goodnews Boilerette', with outer pressurized water jacket which raises inner cooking chamber to high temperature, marketed by Goodnew s Ltd. of London and made by Fogacci of Italy, 1983 `Vapor Control' double-jacketted form of pressure cooker 1983
Aesculapius chalice, tin bowl, plaster stem, brass stand and serpent, probably made for display purposes by Bonavia or Bologna, 1870-1920 Aesculapius chalice 1870-1920
Speculum, rectal(?), blades only, metal, nickel-plated, by Lollini of Bologna, second half 19th century Speculum, rectal(?), blades only, metal, nickel-pl 1851-1900
Ordinary mercury-in-glass centigrade thermometer, sheathed, with glass scale, by S.I.A.P. Bologna (Belle Arti 17), Italy. Scale -23 to 52.5 degrees Ordinary mercury-in-glass centigrade thermometer
Copy of document electing Joseph Lister to University of Bologna, 1888, framed Copy of document electing Joseph Lister to University of Bologna 1927
Zanasi vial filler apparatus for microdoses of powdered antibiotics, comprising motor, control panel, manual filling devices (incomplete), and 2 powder tanks, made by Zanasi Nigris s.p.a. and supplied by ACM Machinery Ltd., Italian, 1982 Zanasi vial filler apparatus for microdoses of powdered antibiotics 1982
Percussor, pleximeter and monaural stethoscope (cased), Italian, 1831-1920 Percussor, pleximeter and monaural stethoscope (cased)
Bronze medal commemorating Luigi Sacco, Italian physician and exponent of vaccination against smallpox, 1769-1836, struck by city of Bologna, Tadolini, artist, Italian, 1802 Bronze medal commemorating Luigi Sacco 1802
Bronze medal, commemorate the work of Sacco with smallpox vaccination, issued by the city of Bologna artist P. Tadolini medal, Italian, 1802 Bronze medal 1802
Electrical speed and direction recorder no.01557, by S.I.A.P., Bologna, for R. Aeronautica No.349. Drum, pens & clockwork drive in glazed hinged case, on cast base. [ Sec. ital. Apparecchi Precisione] Electrical speed and direction recorder no.01557 1941