Object type
Place of origin

Thermo Vane Dial Thermometer, 1915-1925


"Denominator" adder for American currency


Hand sanitiser made with captured carbon


Blister plaster in tin


Fly killer, New York, United States, 1888-1930


Twelve ampoules of sterile catgut suture in carton


Intertype C3 Linecaster


One photograph titled ‘Whaling’. Part of the caption on the back reads: ‘..The “Anglo Norse” [whaling ship] arrives at Brooklyn, New York, USA for a check up before the long haul to Norway’.

Daily Herald Photograph: Whaling ship


"Acralite" acrylic denture material set, by Acralite Co. Inc. Brooklyn, USA, 1963

"Acralite" acrylic denture material set


Two muslin isinglass plasters in tins, c.1880, by Seabury and Johnson, New York, USA

Two muslin isinglass plasters in tins


"Novampul" ejector type cartridge syringe, boxed, with needles, by the Novocol Chemical Mfg. Co., 2921-2923 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn, USA, 1920-1940

"Novampul" ejector type cartridge syringe


Black and white silver gelatin print entitled "Kishke King, Brooklyn, New York, 1953" by N. Jay Jaffee. From the exhibition 'Inward Image' at the Impressions Gallery 18th September to 16th October 1982

Kishke King, Brooklyn, New York, 1953


Black and white press print entitled "Bathers on Rocks", by N. Jay Jaffee in 1954 at Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, USA. From the exhibition 'Inward Image' at the Impressions Gallery 18th September to 16th October 1982

Bathers on Rocks


Pond self-winding electric clock by Chesters H. Pond, Brooklyn, New York, United States, invented 1881.

Pond self-winding electric clock by Chesters H. Pond

1881 (invented)

Made by Chas. M Higgins and Co., Brooklyn, NY. London Office 106 Charing Cross Road. Adhesive for photographers, patented in US and England December 29 1891, September 1899. In glass jar with printed metal screw top.

Higgin's Photo-Mounter adhesive


Gyrostat, made by Sperry taken from an American bomb sight computer and sectioned to reveal workings.

Gyrostat, made by Sperry taken from an American bomb sight computer


Illuminated Address. U.S.A. Universal Exposition Saint Louis 1904. Silver medal awarded to North Eastern Railway for a "Model of Forth Railway Bridge, maps & photographs". Designed & executed by Will H. Low, printed by Gilbo & Company, Brooklyn, New York.

usa universal exposition saint louis 1904


Illuminated Address. U.S.A. Universal Exposition Saint Louis 1904. Silver medal awarded to North Eastern Railway for a "Model of Locomotive & plan of docks at Hull". Designed & executed by Will H. Low, printed by Gilbo & Company, Brooklyn, New York.

u.s.a. universal exposition saint louis 1904


Black and white silver gelatin print entitled "Horse and Wagon" by N. Jay Jaffee. From the exhibition 'Inward Image' at the Impressions Gallery 18th September to 16th October 1982

Horse and Wagon

Black and white silver gelatin print entitled "Horse and Wagon" by N. Jay Jaffee. Duplicate of E2013.22.459. From the exhibition 'Inward Image' at the Impressions Gallery 18th September to 16th October 1982

Horse and Wagon

Black and white silver gelatin print entitled "Kishke King, Brooklyn, New York" by N. Jay Jaffee. Duplicate of E2013.22.463. From the exhibition 'Inward Image' at the Impressions Gallery 18th September to 16th October 1982

Kishke King, Brooklyn, New York, 1954


Gas main inflatable stopper. Manufactured by Goodman-Peden.

Gas Main Inflatable Stopper

Gyro Horizon. By Sperry Gyroscope Co., Brooklyn. Model H.3. (115 v.; 3 phase ; 400Hz.) Part No. 664453. Serial No. 428D

Gyro Horizon. By Sperry Gyroscope Co.


Gyroscopic octant made by Pioneer Instrument Co., Inc, Brooklyn, NY, USA, about 1944. The gyro is driven by an electric motor. Type no.3000A-1. Incomplete. Not seen WMB

Aircraft gyroscopic octant.


Sectional model, scale 1:10, of a 'Babcock and Wilcox' water-tube boiler (1907) representing one of thirty-one fitted by Babcock and Wilcox Ltd in1907 to an HM battle cruiser, mounted on a base board, by Science Museum Workshops, London, 1907-1912

Sectional model of Babcock and Wilcox water-tube boiler


Ball recording sextant with brass and alloy frame and plastic handle in rectangular fitted wooden box with a leather strap, made by the Mergenthaler Linotype Company, Brooklyn, New York, USA, 1944. Consists of scale (0° to 90°), on reverse, with 1°’ divisions and micrometer (1’), day and night telescopes (236mm) and no filter shades. In use, the celestial body is viewed directly and instead of a plumb bob, a falling steel ball records the altitude on a screen, and is read off the scale and micrometer.

Ball recording sextant with case.