This graphite pencil drawing of the Great Nebula in Orion was made by John Frederick William Herschel (1792-1871) while on a trip to South Africa in 1835. Herschel was able to draw the nebula with the aid of a 20 feet reflector telescope at 'Feldhausen' in the Cape of Good Hope. The drawing is probably one that is referred to in his diary entry for the date, Sunday 4 January 1835. The Great Nebula in Orion as seen in the 20 feet Reflector at Feldhausen - Cape of Good Hope Sunday 4 January 1835
Globular star cluster (a Centauri), N.G.C. 5139, R.A. 13h 19m, Decl, - 46[o] 19', Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, 1903, February 19, 24-inch Refractor, focal length, 22 1/2ft, exposure, 509 min Globular star cluster (a Centauri) 1903
Comet, 1882, 1882, Nov, 14, 14h 15m G.M.T. exposure, 2h 20m. David Gill, Cape of Good Hope Observatory Comet, 1882, 1882 1882