On Display
Object type
Place of origin

Carriage Ashtray from Quintinshill Disaster


Stockton & Darlington Railway carriage


lancaster and carlisle railway permanent road booklet

Mounted board of woollen fur/ladder samples dating from 1913 – 1934


Mounted board of woollen fur/ladder samples dating from 1913 – 1934


Mounted board of woollen fur/ladder samples dating from 1913 – 1934


Mounted board of woollen fur/ladder samples dating from 1913 – 1934


Mounted board of woollen fur/ladder samples dating from 1913 – 1934


Experimental velvet samples made at Carlisle by Vaughan


report and statement of accounts of the carlisle and border counties brotherhood


Mounted board of woollen fur/ladder samples dating from 1913 – 1934


Mounted board of woollen fur/ladder samples dating from 1913 – 1934


File of experimental velvet samples from Vaughan


Experimental carpet samples – Carlisle made by Vaughan




Samples of strong


Turntable engine, locomotive vacuum operated, by Cowans Sheldon, Carlisle, c1950.

Turntable engine


A black and white silver gelatin print entitled "Home Charm" by Mary Cooper, taken in Carlisle in 1980. From the Impressions Gallery exhibition, 'Space Between: Real and Unreal Cities', 1982.

Home Charm


Tyer & Company catalogue

Tyer & Company catalogue

circa 1862-1956

Tyer & Company catalogue, issued from store, 28th August 1911

Tyer & Company catalogue


North British Railway printed General Parcels Waybill, filled in for a parcel being sent from Carlisle Citadel Station to Burgh, 20 March 1907.

North British Railway general parcels waybill (supplied title)


Toffee Tin, London & North Western Railway, tin box in shape of a trunk marked with leather straps and red cross " L&NWRy London". Overall: 90 mm x 121 mm x 78 mm.

Toffee tin, London & North Western Railway

File 122. Notes by G. Allison (Murrell Hill, Carlisle). Notes on mechanics of weft insertion with diagrams, 1935, diagrams of weaves for various terry fabrics, 1941, and correspondence with J. Morton.

Notes by G. Allison on mechanics of weft insertion


Handbill, Two copies, Newcastle & Carlisle Railway, "Winter Arrangements", printed by Steel, Carlisle, 4th November 1837.

Winter Arrangements


Notice, Newcastle and Carlisle Railway, Newcastle Races, Special Train from Carlisle, 23 June 1847, black text on white background, printed by Scott and Benson, Printers, 11 English Street, Carlisle, stuck to card.

Newcastle Races, Newcastle and Carlisle Railway


[Printed leaflet] Bar Iron, Chain Cables, &c. manufactured by R. W. & R. Porter, Carlisle. [ca.1830. 2p. on 1 leaf. Includes scale of chain cables. Part A 1516/5 of the Goodrich archive]

[Printed leaflet] Bar Iron

circa 1830

A black and white silver gelatin print entitled "Overwater School" by Mary Cooper, taken in Carlisle in 1980. From the Impressions Gallery exhibition, 'Space Between: Real and Unreal Cities', 1982.

Overwater School


Coloured postcard. The Dandy. Port Carlisle. The only one horse railway in the world. (North British Railway). View of Dandy Car at Port Carlisle with group of people and poem "The passing of theDandy". (C1914). Published by Nicholson & Cartner, Carlisle.

Coloured postcard of "The Dandy. Port Carlisle. The only one horse railway in the world.", 1914


Notice, Railway Passengers Assurance Company, "Insurance Tickets covering the journey for which you are booking and granting the following benefits: Death £1000/£2000. And other benefits including: Disablement £6 per week/£12 per week. Premium 6d. 1/- Premium" painted aluminium.

Notice, Railway Passengers Assurance Company

'Lilliput Lane' model, Flying Scotsman scene (code L2661), made by Enesco Limited under the 'Lilliput' brand, painted plaster with diecast metal model of Flying Scotsman, 2005.

Flying Scotsman Lilliput Lane Model


A black and white silver gelatin print entitled "The Foyer, Her Majesty's Theatre" by Mary Cooper, taken in Carlisle in 1979. From the Impressions Gallery exhibition, 'Space Between: Real and Unreal Cities', 1982.

The Foyer, Her Majesty's Theatre


A black and white silver gelatin print entitled "The Foyer, Her Majesty's Theatre" by Mary Cooper, taken in Carlisle in 1979. From the Impressions Gallery exhibition, 'Space Between: Real and Unreal Cities', 1982.

The Foyer, Her Majesty's Theatre


Two sets of wooden hand blocks with pattern made from raised metal inserts for printing multi-coloured designs on fabrics. Set No. C7415 contaings 98 blocks, dating from 1840. Set No. S5255 contains 4 block dating from 1941.

Stead McAlpin & Co. Printing Blocks


Oral history interview with Donald Jary, conducted and recorded by David Wharton-Street at the interviewee's home in Carlisle on 18 September 2019. Duration: 2 hr. 43 min. 15 sec. Early career; rationalisation of divisions; sectorisation; liaising with Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive (GMPTE) and Merseyside Passenger Transport Executive (MPTE); Greater Manchester Council (GMC); Lancashire Country Council; Cheshire County Council; Chris Stokes; John Edmonds; Provincial North West interfaces; Service Group Manager Northern Provincial Eastern; David Wharton-Street; Tyne & Wear Passenger Transport Executive; introduction of Pacers; problems led to low availability; reporting lines; station and service improvements; Maryport; Sellafield station funded by British Nuclear Fuels (BNF); Metrocentre; relationships with Cumbria County Council; reorganisation of London Midland Region Area Managers; proposed Settle & Carlisle line closure; relationships; Organising for Quality (OfQ); Total Quality Manager Regional Railways North West (RRNW); Chris Leah; Total Quality Management (TQM) Leadership 500; Leadership 5000; Occupational Health & Safety Act; Health & Safety at Work Act; Environmental Protection Act; implications of privatisation legislation on RRNW; creation of Train Operating Units (TOUs) from 1994; Railways (Safety Case) Regulations 1994; role as Policy Advisor to the TOU Director; Disabled Persons Protection Policy; interface with PTEs; Railtrack stations and station licenses; interfaces with other TOUs; Association of Train Operating Companies (ATOC); member of British Railways Board (BRB) Safety Validation Panel; Terry Worrall (Director of Safety); joining Department for Transport (DfT)’s Advisory Group on Rail Accessibility; North West Trains (NWT); Great Western Holdings; trade union reactions; Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen (ASLEF); geographical and service changes after privatisation; Merseyrail Electrics; First Group purchase of Great Western Holdings; franchises contiguous with NWT; First Group and management of NWT; new roles; South Manchester modernisation scheme; industry co-operation; introduction of new rolling stock; re-alignment of franchises; franchise bids 2004; Abellio Northern Rail customer service improvements; combining North West and North East franchises into Northern Rail; TransPeninne; track access agreement; Abellio train service improvements; ticketing; ATOC; ticket gates; European Foundation for Quality Management; involvement in Abellio bidding teams; Stakeholder Manager; Publicity Officer Cumbria Railways Association; Director of Settle & Carlisle Development Company; benefits of sectorisation; alternatives to privatisation; experience of managers; infrastructure management; Railtrack/Network Rail project overruns

Donald Jary interviewed by David Wharton-Street


File 119. F.N.F. samples woven at Murrell Hill, March 1936.

F.N.F. samples woven at Murrell Hill, March 1936

March 1936

File 111. Woven and embroidered carpet samples from Carlisle, 1929. Does not include any written papers.

Woven and embroidered carpet samples from Carlisle, 1929


One medium envelope containing yarns used in Chinese carpets. Carlisle, 1929.

One medium envelope containing yarns used in Chinese carpets. Carlisle


Notice. Newcastle-Upon-Tyne and Carlisle Railway. Trains for Passengers and Parcels will proceed from the Company's Tempory Station west of the Infirmary, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, instead of from the Close Station, from 21 October 1839. (With list of trains and also details of trains from Redheugh and London Road, Carlisle). Black text on white background. Printed by John Bell, side, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Stuck to board.

Trains for passengers and parcels........


Notice. Newcastle and Carlisle Railway. Special Train at Greatly Reduced Fares from Carlisle to Naworth and Gilsland, 8 June 1845. Black text on yellow background. Printed at the Office of Charles Thurnam, Market Place, Carlisle. Stuck to card with losses to edges.

special train at greatly reduced fares


Handbill, Two copies, Newcastle & Carlisle Railway, "Winter Arrangements", printed by Steel, Carlisle, 4th November 1837.

Winter Arrangements


Lithograph. Newcastle & Carlisle Railway. The Viaduct over the River Eden at Wetheral. Drawn by M E Nutter. Lithographed by A Picken. Printed by Day & Haghe, London. Published by Charles Thurnam, Carlisle. 1835.

Viaduct Over River Eden at Wetheral


Notice. Lancaster and Carlisle Railway. Admittance to Platforms. August 1848. Black text on white background. Printed by J Steel, Printer, Carlisle. Stuck to board.

Admittance to platforms
