Two circular diapositive photographs of the full Moon mounted in passe partout frames, originally for use in a large stereoscope using prism which was disposed of in 1958 (BOS 2/4/58). Taken by Warren De La Rue [1858-1868] through a 13-inch reflecting telescope with a speculum mirror and using wet collodion plates. The instrument was carried on a German type clock-driven equatorial mounting housed in his observatory at Cranford, Middlesex. Two circular diapositive photographs of the full Moon mounted in passe partout frames 1858-1862
One of two circular diapositive photographs of the full Moon taken by Warren De La Rue [1858-1868] through a 13-inch reflecting telescope with a speculum mirror and using wet colloidon plates. The instrument was carried on a German type clock-driven equatorial mounting housed in his observatory at Cranford, Middlesex. Photograph of the Moon taken by Warren De La Rue 1858-1868
One of two circular diapositive photographs of the full Moon taken by Warren De La Rue [1858-1868] through a 13-inch reflecting telescope with a speculum mirror and using wet colloidon plates. The instrument was carried on a German type clock-driven equatorial mounting housed in his observatory at Cranford, Middlesex. Photograph of the Moon taken by Warren De La Rue 1858-1868
One of six calotype prints, showing a 20-inch reflecting telescope with speculum mirror [Nasmyth focus] on a modified altazimuth mounting [see 1933-21] built by James Nasmyth at his Patricroft works, Manchester. Taken by him at of his large house, 'Hammerhurst' near Penshurst in Kent and dated 29th May 1866. Calotype print of Nasmyth's 20-inch reflecting telescope, 1866 1866
One of three calotype prints mounted together on a single board , showing three different views of Warren De la Rue's 13-inch reflecting telescope with speculum mirror on a clock driven German type equatorial mounting at his observatory at Cranford, Middlesex. All taken by James Nasmyth and separated from his original album. Calotype print by Nasmyth of De La Rue's 13-inch reflecting telescope 1858-1864
Photo-engraving from a photograph of sun spots, taken by Warren de La Rue with a 13-inch equatorially mounted reflector at his observatory at Cranford, Middlesex. Photo-engraving from a photograph of sun spots 1858-1876