Vinten Electric Mk1 35mm cine camera (Studio Camera), Model K, serial no. 173. No magazine. Three lenses: Cooke Panfo anastigmat 2" f2.8 no. 286467; Cooke Speed Panchro 35mm F/2 no. 287334; Dallmeyer 6" F/4.5 telephoto lens no. 424517 (1). With original case. Electric version of 'Normandy' model. Vinten Electric Mk1 35mm Cine Camera Model K 1945
Imperial exposure meter No. 1 'For Bright Light'. Bookform actinometer, with paper strip sliding behind mask with standard tint. Slide-rule calculator. Imperial exposure meter No. 1 'For Bright Light'. Bookform actinometer
Handley Page H.P. 115 research aircraft, serial number XP841, 1961 Handley Page H.P. 115 research aircraft 1961
Slide rule type calculator in form of small booklet. Scales for light values, weather conditions, H&D sppeds, subkects, stops ad shutter speeds. With book of light tables and instruction book. Imperial dry plate co ltd. imperial exposure reckoner 1907-1917
Imperial exposure meter. Bookform actinometer. Slide rule calculator; using a strip of sensitive paper pulled past small window surrounded by tinted ring for matching. With packet of 9 refills. Made by Imperial Dry Plate Co., Cricklewood. Imperial exposure meter
Bookform actinic meter by Imperial Dry Plate Co., Cricklewood. No.1 bright light, No 2, dull light. Sliderule instruction calculators. Two instruction books and pack of sensitive. Imperial exposure meter
Book type actinometer, with a sliding strip of sensitive paper, slide rule calculator with scales for actinometer times 1/5-100, H & D speeds 5-600, apertures f/4.5-64 US 1-256, and exposure times 1/500-60 secs.Imperial Dry plate Company Imperial exposure meter - No 1 for bright light
Pathescope Gem 9.5mm cine projector manufactured by Pathescope Ltd in England between 1948 and 1958. Pathescope Gem 9.5mm cine projector 1948-1958
Imperial Duplex exposure meter. Two actinometers, incorporated in slide rule calculators in double folding booklet, one for bright light, the other for dull light. In original carton with packet of sensitive papers and instruction books. Exposure meter and two actinometers
Vinten Model K 'Normandy' spring driven 35mm cine camera Mk III, serial no. 19. Including internal magazine (serial no. 1) and Cooke Panfo anastigmat 2" f2.8 lens no. 288105. Model K 'Normandy' 35mm cine camera, Mk III 1945
Smith's 120 mph chronometric motor cycle speedometer, made by Smiths Motor Accessories Ltd, c. 1952. Code S.467/3/L. Sectioned Smith's 120 mph chronometric motor cycle speedometer circa 1952
Book type actinometer with slide rule calculator. H & D speed numbers 5-600. Imperial Exposure Meter No 1