Object type
Place of origin

Protection electrometer


Plaster cast arm splint worn by a child with polio


Daily Herald Contact Sheet: Guitar factory


Daily Herald Photograph: Potato planting


X-ray dosimeter


Kit, `Wellcozyme HIV 1+2 GACELISA' VK61, one of two, for HIV testing


Kit, `Wellcozyme HIV Recombinant' VK56 enzyme immunoassay, one of two


Kit,`Wellcozyme HIV 1+2' enzyme immunoassay, type VK54, one of two


Arm splint worn by a child with polio


Leather and canvas arm splint worn by a child with polio


Arm splint, worn by a child with polio


Four arm splints of varying construction, worn by children with polio


`Wellcozyme HIV 1+2' used to test for antibodies to HIV in blood samples, England, 1993


Daily Herald Photograph: Steeplejack on top of Littlebrook Power Station


Daily Herald Photograph: Guitar factory


Daily Herald Photograph: Steeplejack climbs a chimney


Daily Herald Photograph: Guitar factory


A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled 'Clement Attlee Opens Attlee Drive on Dartford Housing Estate, 5 July 1947' by The Topical Press (Hulton Deutsch Collection). From the Impressions Gallery exhibition 'Politicians', 16 January - 13 March 1993.

Clement Attlee Opens Attlee Drive, Dartford Housing Estate


'Magnimeter' moving coil meter for use on an overhead projector, by the Baldwin Instrument Co. Ltd., Dartford, Kent, Instrument no.287744, range 0-500 microamps

'Magnimeter' moving coil meter for use on an overhead projector


'Univox' single channel synthesizer manufactured in England by the Jennings' Organ Company, Dartford, Kent, model no.J6, serial, no.2788, comprising amplifier,and speaker unit built into suitcase, with separate keyboard unit, plus connecting lead and mains lead all stored within suitcase

'Univox' single channel synthesizer manufactured in England by the Jennings' Organ Company


Rotative compound beam engine built by Messrs. J & E Hall, Dartford, c.1838 with driving motor

Compound Steam Engine, by J and E Hall, c.1838.


One photograph of children at J. & E. Hall nursery having a morning snack. Caption on back reads 'Mrs. Vera France supervising a break for "elevenses" in the new day nursery opened by J. & E. Hall Ltd., Dartford engineers, for the convenience of mothers employed by the company'.

Daily Herald Photograph: J & E Hall nursery


Personnel monitoring system consisting of electrometer made by Baldwin Instrument Co. Ltd, Dartford, and two boxes of aluminium clip-on ionisation chambers, 1959.

Personnel monitoring system consisting of electrometer made by Baldwin Instrument Co. Ltd


Sample of Lead used in radioactive shielding, in sealed plastic bag, size 150x50x5mm, made by Fabcast Engineering Ltd., Unit G4 Riverside Industrial Estate, Riverside Way, Dartford, Kent, DA1 5BS, c1996

Sample of Lead used in radioactive shielding, size


One document describing the opening a nursery for employees of J. & E. Hall, a company located in the sough of England. The nursery was planned with the guidance of local health officers.

Daily Herald Document: J & E Hall nursery


One photograph of a mother dropping a child off to the company nursery. Caption on back reads 'Mrs. Jacqueline Simmons (Buying Dept. Shorthand-Typist) arrives at the nursery with her son Colin. Her husband works in the West Fitting Department'.

Daily Herald Photograph: J & E Hall nursery


One photograph of children playing in a nursery facility. Caption on back reads 'A corner of the playroom in the new ay nursery opened by Dartford, Kent, engineers, J. & E. Hall Ltd., for the convenience of mothers employed by the compay'.

Daily Herald Photograph: J & E Hall nursery


One photograph of a man with three young children. Caption on back reads 'Mr. Charles Croucher J.P., a director of J. & E. Hall Ltd., Dartford, Kent, declares the company's new day nursery open, serving the first beaker of milk to four years old Paul Shepherd'.

Daily Herald Photograph: J & E Hall nursery


This electrically powered C02 refrigeration plant was built in 1906 by J & E Hall before being installed at A.J Mills & Co. Ltd’s Tooley Street cold stores in London. When fully assembled and connected, the entire body of the compressor and motor takes up around 5 and half feet squared.

CO2 refrigeration plant by J and E Hall


A lift governor by J & E Hall Ltd, Dartford, Kent, normal speed 75 feet/min, operating speed 100 feet/min. Made in 1962

A lift governor by J & E Hall Ltd