Triangular bandage, cotton, illustrated, by Professor Esmarch, made by von Ludwig and Cramer of Dusseldorf, German, 1870-1920 Triangular bandage 1870-1920
Dental bur stand for "Solila" burs, by the Funke A.G., Dusseldorf, Germany, 1926-1939 Dental bur stand for "Solila" burs 1926-1939
'Merkur' gambling 'fruit' or 'slot' machine, comprised of an Internal mechanism (with a penny), metal covering and wooden side cabinet with metal handle, by Automatenbau Rhein-Ruhr, Dusseldorf, 1950-1960 'Merkur' gambling machine 1950-1960
Janus Epidiascope, c 1920. Manufactured by Ed Leisegang DRP; sold by Andrew Baird, Scientific Instrument Maker, Edinburgh. Episcope projects vertically, with pivoted, rotating mirror above lens. Slide projection by Binal lens 43/50 +, F:15cm, Serial No A3086. Electric lamp. With wire cable and plug marked 'BBC'. Janus Epidiascope 1915-1925