On Display
Object type
Place of origin

System 2000 video recorder made by Grundig

circa 1980

Dictating machine made by Grundig

circa 1960

Gateleg workbench by Al-Ko


Bewi Exposure Calculator


Camera, Voigtlander Vitoret


Camera, Vedeborch Felica


5 pairs of endoscopic grabbing forceps


Ilford Sportsman Camera


Camera, Pacemaker 35P


Instamatic 230 camera

circa 1984

Commodore Vic 20 Computer


Gateleg ‘Universal Workbench’ by Josef Meeth Gmbh


Camera, Voigtlander Vitessa 126 CS


Camera, Voigtlander Vitessa


Camera, Balda Baldessa L


IKA combimag reo, magnetic stirrer by Janke and Kunkel GmbH of IKA-WARK

Camera, Porst EL 300


Pair of endoscopic grabbing forceps for use with endoscopes and laparascopes by Wolf, West Germany

Pair of endoscopic grabbing forceps


Card game, ACE Steam Locomotives Trump Game, "The Card Game For Collectors", in a plastic case, image of the Flying Scotsman on the front.

ACE British Steam Locomotives Trump Game


Grundig VCC480 (V2000 format) video cassette tape, made in West Germany about 1982. Recording time 2x4/2x8 hours, High Grade A.

Grundig VCC480 V2000 Video Cassette Tape


Ilford 'Sportsman 125' 35mm camera; Serial no 700245; Prontor 125 shutter; 40mm Color-Isconar lens 1:2.8; Made in West Germany, 1966.

Ilford Sportsman 125 35mm camera


Photoelectric exposure meter; roll-top flexible diffuser; single range; colour temperature indicator (filter chart missing); in leather case; no. B258856.

Gossen Sixon exposure meter

Folding camera for 120 rollfilm dual format + 6x6cm or 6x9cm - removable mask. Steinhall Cassar lens F:105mm f/4.5, VL, Nr 7072278. Prontor-s shutter.

Adox Sport camera

circa 1955

Card game, "Classic Trumps - Locomotives", consisting of 32 cards and an instructions card containing pictures and information on locomotives, by Child's Play (International) Limited, Eurocards, West Germany, 1989, boxed. Box: 111 mm x 76 mm x 17 mm, 0.09kg; card: 100 mm x 66 mm.

'Classic Trumps - Locomotives' card game


Electro-convulsive therapy (ECT) machine, metal box but no attachments, by Tramag GmbH & Co. Kg, Germany. Label says "bought 2nd hand c. 1962" & "replaced c.1975" From effects of psychiatrist Ann Dally.

Electro-convulsive therapy (ECT) machine

1468 Pedometer to be worn on the ankle and made in the form of a wristwatch: the case chromium plated metal. Leather strap with chrome buckle. Blued steel hand. The card dial, inscribed MILES and W. GERMANY is marked with four different coloured scales for four different pace lengths. Curved lines project the mileage figures from the outside scales to the inside scales. The hand is zeroed by means of a projecting reset wheel. Contained in an original plastic box, complete with instructions. Late 20th century. 42mm dia. Plastic Box: 141mm x 44.5mm. Maker unknown.

1468 Pedometer to be worn on the ankle and made in the form of a wristwatch


Pedometer to be worn on the ankle and made in the form of a wristwatch: the case chromium plated metal. Leather strap with chrome buckle. Blued steel hand. The card dial, inscribed MILES and W. GERMANY is marked with four different coloured scales for four different pace lengths. Curved lines project the mileage figures from the outside scales to the inside scales. The hand is zeroed by means of a projecting reset wheel. Late 20th century. 42mm dia. Maker unknown.

Pedometer to be worn on the ankle and made in the form of a wristwatch


Tape recorder, Telefunken, Magnetophon 75, mono, 2 speed, in carrying case, made in West Germany, c. 1960

Tape recorder


Made in West Germany. Close-up lens, 1 dioptre. Push-on type, for 32mm lens mount.

Voigtlander Focar 1 lens 303/32

Miniature camera for 18mm wide rollfilm (13x13mm); F:25mm f/9 lens; single speed shutter; direct vision finder.

Petie Camera


Commodore Vic 20 computer, c. 1977,

Commodore Vic 20 Computer


Small flashgun; capacitor type; 15 volt battery; foldaway matte reflector for AG1 capless bulbs; in original carton.

Ilford Ilfolite flash gun

Samples of commercial dyes by Farbenfabriken Bayer AG, ICI and W. & J. George.

Samples of commercial dyes by Farbenfabriken Bayer AG