Object type
Place of origin

Two 400 Foot Bi-pack Film Magazines


Camera Box Containing Transformer 450


Sixty capsules of melatonin, a natural hormone, United States, 1999


Two 2000ft Cine Film Magazines for Mitchell Vistavision Studio Camera

Vistavision DC Interlock Motor No 132

Bi-pack Film Magazines


Control Box for VistaVision Front Projector


VistaVision cine camera No 30 with ancillary equipment, manufactured by the Mitchell Camera Co, 1953-1959. Camera Model VV No 30. Fitted with two film magazines, L79 and R79. With 75mm lens MVV 30, Model VVE No 28.

Mitchell VistaVision Cine Camera No 30


Small auxiliary motor for use with Mitchell Vistavision studio cine camera VV30. Used by film company Eon Productions Ltd.

Small Auxiliary Motor for use with Mitchell Vistavision Cine Camera


On/Off switch box for use with Mitchell Vistavision studio cine camera VV30. Used by film company Eon Productions Ltd.

On/Off Switch Box for use with Mitchell Vistavision Cine Camera


Lens matte box No 28, masks, matte box bars and filter holders, for use with Mitchell Vistavision Studio camera VV30. Used by Eon Productions Ltd. No 4 stenciled onto front and top of box. Filter box has two stickers on the top that read 3 and 6. Sticker on top of box reads: Moores and Griffin Ltd/14B Merton Park Parade/Kingston Road, London, S.W.19 3NT/Tel: 540 0681/2/3.

Lens Matte Box No 28, Masks, Matte Box Bars and Filter Holders


Case for Mitchell Vista Vision camera No-3 studio type 2000ft magazine. Case is stenciled with a number 1 and has a Moores and Griffin sticker on the lid.

Case for 2000ft film magazines

On/Off switch box for use with Mitchell Vistavision studio cine camera VV30. Used by film company Eon Productions Ltd.

On/Off Switch Box for use with Mitchell Vistavision Cine Camera


Two 2000 foot cine film magazines, for use with Mitchell Vistavision Studio camera VV30. Used by Eon Productions Ltd.

Two 2000 Foot Film Magazines


Viewfinder No 131 for Mitchell Vistavision studio camera VV30. Used by Eon Productions Ltd.

Viewfinder No 131


Six matched lenses, lens mount and filter slides, for use with Mitchell Vistavision Studio camera VV30 in case. Used by Eon Productions Ltd. Case stencilled: Lenses/3. Lenses include 100mm Bausch and Lomb Baltar C-6713 JF245; 75mm Cooke Speed Panchero serial number 499468 C-6712; 28mm C-6703; 35mm C-6705/1157405; 40mm C-6708 Cooke Double Speed Panchro serial number 527836; 50mm C-6709 Ernst Leitz GmbH Wetzlar Summicron serial number 1264983.

Six Matched Lenses, Lens Mount and Filter Slides
