On Display
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Place of origin

Overbeck Rejuvenator, Grimsby, England, 1930


Token or day ticket


Drivers lunch box, black metal box shaped like a tin trunk with black handle, brass plate engraved "A. Read, Rose Grove", Made by "C. Hildred, Ironmonger & Tinsmith, Hainton Square Grimsby". Overall: 240 mm x 312 mm x 215 mm.

Driver's lunch box

Map, docks plan (marked up by Fire Brigade - annotated showing hydrants), Manchester Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway, 'Grimsby', 1896, 3 chains to 1 inch, coloured, paper-backed linen.

Map, docks plan (marked up by Fire Brigade - annotated showing hydrants)


Booklet, paper with linen covered cover, Great Central Railway and Joint Lines Friendly Society and Accident and Pension Fund Rules 1962. Issued by British Railways, printed by Albert Gait Ltd., Grimsby. 55pp. BR document no. 7333. Various amendments and forms have been inserted loose inside the front cover. Belonged to Robert Hilton, BR signalman at Whittlesey Signal Box, Peterborough.

Great Central Railway and Joint Lines Friendly Society and Accident and Pension Fund Rules


Booklet, paper with steel clip, Instructions relating to Carriage Cleaning and Sevicing, issued by the Chief Operations Manager, British Rail Headquarters, Marylebone Station, Jan. 1977. Contains instructions for fabric cleaning, lists of equipment, disinfection instructions following the carriage of fish, corpses and infectious diseases etc. Instructions cover HST stock. 57pp. Document no. BR. 29620. Printed by Albert Gait Ltd. of Grimsby.

Instructions relating to Carriage Cleaning and Sevicing


Colour lithograph. Bird's Eye View of Great Grimsby Docks. Shows docks and dockyard railways. Drawn by A MacLure. Printed by MacLure and MacDonald, Lith, London. 24.9213 x 38.7795 inch. Mounted on stiff paper.

Colour lithograph 'Bird's Eye View of Great Grimsby Docks

Early 1800s

Booklet, paper with card covers, British Railways Instructions relating to the issue and examination of Privilege Tickets, issued by the British Transport Commission, printed by Albert Gait Ltd. of Grimsby, March 1962. For use by station masters, booking clerks, ticket examiners and collectors, etc. Document no. BR 25633. 10pp.

British Railways Instructions relating to the issue and examination of Privilege Tickets


Book, paper with card covers, Hours of Opening of Signal Boxes in the North Eastern Region, issued by F.L. Hick, Operating Officer, York, 26 Aug. 1961. Printed by Albert Gait Ltd. BR document no. 31267/1. 77pp. Belonged to Robert Hilton, signalman at Whittlesey signal box, Peterborough.

Hours of Opening of Signal Boxes in the North Eastern Region


Notice. Great Central Railway. Notice! Immingham Dock Bye-Laws. Notice is hereby given that the Great Central Railway Company intend to apply to the Boark of Trade for the confirmation of certain Bye-Laws.....relating to the Loading of Coal and the Use of the Coal Hoists. 5 September 1911. Black text on white background. With note added by the Port Master, Grimsby Docks, concerning the posting of this notice in the neighbourhood of Immingham Dock. Printed by Carr & Forman, Printers, 88 Cleethorpe Road, Grimsby.

Notice! Immingham Dock bye-laws


Photographs, paper, Photographs of the Wrawby Junction rail crash. 5 black & white prints of the fatal crash at Wrawby Junction, near Barnetby Station in Lincolnshire, on 9 Dec. 1983. A train of empty oil tankers collided with side of a DMU passenger service, due to an error by a signalman. The photographs were taken by the Grimsby Evening Telegraph, and are accompanied by two cuttings from the paper.

Photographs of the Wrawby Junction rail crash


Electrotherapeutic grooming set, comprising two combs, boxed, by Overbeck, Grimsby, English, 1930-1940

Electrotherapeutic grooming set


Drivers lunch box, black tin box shaped like a trunk with brass handle. Brass plate on lid engraved "W A Newton". Makers plate "J. Duke Ltd. Ironmongers Grimsby". 12"x7 1/2"x9 1/2"

Driver's lunch box

Brochure, paper, European Sleeping Cars, 2nd edition, issued by Thomas Cook Ltd., printed by Albert Gait Ltd., Grimsby, circa 1987. Describes the various types of sleeping car in operation in various European countries. Includes layout diagrams of the coaches, rules for children in sleeping cars, etc. 11pp. ISBN 0-906273-21-8.

European Sleeping Cars


Black and white photograph from a series entitled School Portraits, begun in 1981 by Dave Rutter. This doube portrait was taken at Whitgift school, Grimsby, South Humberside 1981. During his fellowship for Lincolnshire and Humberside Arts 1979 he took portraits of fishermen at work and at leisure.

Double image of boy, placed next to each other


Booklet issued to staff by British Railways eastern Region: G.N. Line 'Freight Train Loads Book'. Instructions on the loading and working of freight trains as form 6 April 1964. B.R. 20896/2

Freigh Train Load Book


BR staff instruction book entitled, "Parcels Numerical Sorting System". Instructions for zone numbering parcels traffic. Includes gazetter of post towns, zone and delivery stations. BR 29992 (January 1979).

Parcels Numerical Sorting System


BR instruction booklet "Supplement No. 2 to Electrified Lines Instructions (Direct Current System) dated 7th November 1966" dated Waterloo Station, May 1974.

Supplement No. 2 to Electrified Lines Instructions (Direct Current System)


BR book "Regulations for Train Signalling and Signalmen's General Instructions", dated 1 October 1960. Issued on the Eastern, London Midland, North Eastern, Scottish and Southern Regions.

Regulations for Train Signalling and Signalmen's General Instructions


BR book "Regulations for Train Signalling and Signalmen's General Instructions", dated 1 October 1972.

Regulations for Train Signalling and Signalmen's General Instructions


Handbook, vinyl covers with steel rings and paper pages, Civil Engineering Handbook No. 5 - Track Maintenance, issued by British Rail. 46pp. Document no. BR 12804, incorporating Handbook No. 24 BR 12806/6. Printed by Albert Gait Ltd., Castle Press, Grimsby.

Civil Engineering Handbook No. 5 - Track Maintenance

Driver's lunch box, metal, shaped like a small tin trunk, brass plate on lid marked "A. Asher", formerly the property of Driver Arthur Asher of Retford, c.1950s, made in Grimsby.

Driver's lunch box
