On Display
Object type
Place of origin

Bottle of ‘Eticyclin’ tablets, England, 1954-1971


Ludiomil (maprotiline hydrochlon), 100 x 10mg tablets


Pack of Ludiomil 50mg tablets


1x100 pack of Ludiomil 25gm tablets (maprotiline hydrochloride)


Bottle of Fennings' Fever Mixture, England, 1950-1960


Tube of ovocyclin ointment, in original carton, England, 1955-1970


Anafranil capsules


Ludiomil tablets (maprotiline hydrochloride) pack of 1 x 100 25mg tablets


Pack of Ludiomil 75mg tablets


Empty bottle for Ritalin tablets, England, 1954-1970


Helical stent to help mimic natural blood flow


Bottle cork used by an old couple to prevent cramp, amuletic, Lovett collection, from Horsham, Sussex, English, 1911

Bottle cork used to prevent cramp


Bottle of "Coramine", in original carton, by Ciba Laboratories Ltd., English.

Bottle of "Coramine"

Canister of "Navidrex" tablets, by Ciba Laboratories Ltd., English

Canister of "Navidrex" tablets

1x100ml bottle of Malinel Suspension (aluminium sodium silicate), with plastic cup, by A. H. Robins, expires 1986

Malinel Suspension (aluminium sodium silicate)


Canisters of "Antrenyl" tablets, by Ciba Laboratories Ltd., English

Canisters of "Antrenyl" tablets

after 1954

Bottle of "Nupercaine base", by Ciba Ltd., English, 1930-1960

Bottle of "Nupercaine base"


Bottle of "Coagulen-Ciba" coagulant, by Ciba Laboratories Ltd., Horsham, Sussex, 1955-1970

Bottle of "Coagulen-Ciba" coagulant


2 bottle of pyribenzamine tablets, by Ciba Laboratories, from Savory and Moore, 1940-1970

2 bottle of pyribenzamine tablets


Bottle of ethisterone tablets, by Ciba Laboratories Ltd., English

Bottle of ethisterone tablets

Carton of "Nupercaine" suppositories, with instructions, by CIBA Laboratories Ltd., English, 1955-1970

Carton of "Nupercaine" suppositories


Bottle of "Eticyclin" tablets, by Ciba Laboratories Ltd., English

Bottle of "Eticyclin" tablets

after 1954

Bottle of "Lutocyclin" tablets, by Ciba Laboratories Ltd., English

Bottle of "Lutocyclin" tablets

Bottle of "Lutocyclin" tablets, by Ciba Labratories Ltd., English

Bottle of "Lutocyclin" tablets

Round bottle for pills, brand name "Rogitine", with contents, by Ciba, from Savory and Moore's shop, English, 1950 to 1970

Round bottle for pills


Box of Fenning's Adult Cooling Powders, by Alfred Fennings, Horsham, 1950-1970

Box of Fenning's Adult Cooling Powders


Metal bottle of perandren tablets with contents, 5mg methyltestosterone, in the form of linguets, by CIBA, from Savory and Moore, made in England, 1950-1970

Metal bottle of perandren tablets


Amber glass bottle of 25 mg Parandren tablets (methlytestosterone) for sublingual administration. 55 mm x 33 mm diameter, 49 g. Green printed label reads, '25/PERANDREN LINGUETS/Registered Trade Marks/ METHYLTESTOSTERONE CIBA/FOR SUBLINGUAL USE/Registered Trade Mark/25mg/CIBA LABORATORIES LIMITED/HORSHAM, SUSSEX'. Manufactured by CIBA for Savory and Moore, English, 1930-1951.

Bottle of Perandren Linguets


500ml glass bottlehalf-full of Donnatal elixir (phenobarbitone, hyoscyamine, atropine and alcohol). 190 mm x 75 mm diameter, 657 g. Made by A.H. Robins, English, 1950-1980.

500ml glass bottle, half-full of Donnatal elixir. 190 mm x 75 mm diameter


Metal bottle of Perandren tablets, with contents, 25mg methyltestosterone in the form of linguets, by CIBA, from Savory and Moore, made in England, 1950-1970

Metal bottle of Perandren tablets


Bottle of "Nupercaine base", by Ciba Ltd., English, 1950-1965

Bottle of "Nupercaine base"


Canister of "Serpasil" tablets, by Ciba Laboratories Ltd., English

Canister of "Serpasil" tablets

Tube of "Antistin" cream with instructions, in original carton, by Ciba Laboratories Ltd., English, 1955-1970

Tube of "Antistin" cream with instructions


Bottle of ethinyloestradiol tablets, by Ciba Laboratories Ltd., English

Bottle of ethinyloestradiol tablets

Nasal atomizer in original carton, by Ciba Laboratories Ltd., English, with instructions

Nasal atomizer in original carton

Bottle of Percorten tablets by Ciba from Savory and Moore, made in England, 1940-1960

Bottle of Percorten tablets by Ciba from Savory and Moore


Glass jar containing cibazol prepared by Ciba Laboratories Ltd, England

Glass jar containing cibazol prepared by Ciba Laboratories Ltd


Canister of "Tessalon" capsules, by Ciba Laboratories Ltd., English, 1955-1970

Canister of "Tessalon" capsules


Canister of "Neuro-Trasentin" tablets,. Height 59 mm x diameter 34 mm, weight 31g. Inscribed: '100 Tablets / Neuro- / Transentin / Reg. T.M. / Antispasmodic, sedative / POISON Sch. 4A / CIBA / .../ CIBA LABORATORIES LIMITED / Horsham, Sussex / Made in Great Britain / Unauthorised export prohibited / 44254'. Made by Ciba Laboratories Ltd., Horsham, Sussex. English, 1940-1960.

Canister of 'Neuro-Transentin' tablets


Pack of 2x30ml bottles in box, professional sample, of Dimotane and Codeine paediatric expectorant (guaiphenesin, phenylephrine, phenylpropanolamine, brompheniramine,codeine). 87 mm x 63 mm x 32 mm, 171g. Made by A.H. Robins, English, 1970-1985.

Pack of 2 x 30ml bottles in box, professional sample, of Dimotane and Codeine paediatric expectorant


Aluminium canister of 100, 5mg "Ultandren" tablets( Fluoro-hydroxy-methyltestosterone) with screw top. 45 mm x 30 mm diameter, 16 g. Yellow label with green type reads, '5 mg/Utandren/ 100 tablets/.../CIBA Laboratories Limited/Horsham, Sussex/. ..' Manufactured by Ciba Laboratories Ltd., English, 1930-1950.

Canister of Ultandren tablets


Metal bottle of Perandren tablets, with contents, 10mg methyltestosterone in the form of linguets, by CIBA, from Savory and Moore, made in England, 1950-1970

Metal bottle of Perandren tablets


Glass bottle of Donnatal L.A. tablets, (phenobarbitone, hyosycamine sulphate, atropine sulphate, hyoscine hydrobromide), with some tablets remaining. overall: height 83 mm; width 45 mm; depth 25 mm; weight 71g. Inscribed: '100 Tablets/ DONNATAL.../ L.A./ (Donnatal Long Acting Tablets)/ Each Tablet Contains: Phenobarbitone ... 48.6mg./ Hyosycamine Sulphate 0.3111 mg./ Atropine Sulphate 0.0582 mg./ Hyoscine Hydrobromide 0.0195 mg. / Donnatal L.A. Tabletsare constructed/ to release the active components over / an 8 to 10 hour period. / A-H-ROBINS/ .../ HORSHAM, SUSSEX, ENGLAND'. Made by A.H. Robins Co. Ltd., Horhsam, Sussex. English, 1950-1980.

Glass bottle for 100 Donnatal L.A. tablets, with only some tablets remaining


Metal bottle of Perandren tablets, with contents, 10mg methyltestosterone, in the form of linguets by CIBA, from Savory and Moore, made in England, 1950-1970

Metal bottle of Perandren tablets


Six glass ampoules containing freeze-dried B.C.G. vaccine for intradermal injection, for hydration with sodium chloride to provide ten doses, provided by UNICEF and manufactured by Evans Medical Ltd, Langhurst, Horsham, England, c. 1980-1985

Freeze-dried BCG vaccine


Metal Helical stent designed to help mimic the natural flow of blood, with a protective tube, made by Veryan Medical, Horsham, United Kingdom 2009-2010

Helical stent to help mimic natural blood flow
