Object type
Place of origin

Expendable Bathythermograph-Underwater Temperature Measuring Device, 1970-1977


Plessey Avionics aircraft anti collision beacon, 1961-1988

Pair of tungstate intensifying screens for use with x-ray film by Ilford


Unopened single pack of 10"x8" x-ray film by Ilford Ltd.


X-ray film cassette with integral intensifying screens


"Essex" 10"x8" x-ray film cassette by Ilford Ltd.


Electric immersion heater for X-ray film developing tank


Camera from Kodak New for Old collection


Ilford Magazine Camera for Cut Film


Box of "Ilfex" X-ray film


"Rayspeed" 6 1/2"x8 1/2" x-ray film cassette


Camera from Kodak New for Old collection


10"x8" x-ray film cassette fitted with Tungstate intensifying screens by Ilford


Plastic exposure-holder for radiography of the extremities


Resistance coil


One of a pair of "Standard" intensifying screens in package


Unopened package of two "High Definition" 7 1/2"x9 1/2" intensifying screens


Electric immersion heater for x-ray film developing tank


Chemist's Balance


Three Rolls of Ilford Colour Film 'D' 35mm Colour Transparency Film in Original Cartons


Ilford Advocate camera, Series II

circa 1953

Daily Herald Photograph: Digging vegetables


Daily Herald Archive: Farmer with large cabbages


50mm yellow filter cemented gelatine. In leather wallet with instructions.

Ilford colour filter Alpha 104

2 inch square gelatine filter (part only). Green. Ilford Limited.

Ilford Colour Filter Gamma 402

7x5 for all panchromatic materials, especially faster varieties.

Ilford Darkroom Safelight Type GB 908

Ilford red filter 24mm diameter in mount for 28mm lens (filter cementing faulty). Red glass filter.

Ilford colour filter

Graded for yellow filters in card mounts. In carton.

Ilford filters for Multigrade paper

In card mounts, three contrast filters.

Ilford filters for Multigrade paper

Ilford colour filter, size 11, yellow. No. 109 gelatine cemented in 50mm glasses. IN screw mount metal filterholder for 50mm lens mounts. In plush lined case with leather wallet and pamphlet.

Ilford colour filter

Ilford printing frame. Metal, 2 1/2 x 3 1/2".

Ilford Printing Frame

Charger for Sel 9.5mm reversal cine film. Ilford Limited.

Selo 9.5mm film charger

Graded yellow-magenta filters in card mounts. In box.

Ilford filters for Multigrade paper

Ilford colour filter - Astra, Green filter - gelatine cemented between 2 glasses 50mm square

Ilford colour filter - Astra

Exposure Meter Ilford exposure calculator. Exposure calculator of five concentric discs with scales for exposure times 2 hours to 1/16 sec., apertures f4-64; subject/lighting; date number (from table on reverse) plate type. Made by The Britannia Works Co. Ltd.; Scott's patent 17642

Ilford exposure calculator

Three plastic exposure holders, 8 1/2" x 10", with extra low absorption front for mammography, by Ilford Ltd., 1960-1980

Three plastic exposure holders


Flashgun for capless bulbs. Reflector of 8 leaves. Closed 6cm diameter. Opening iris diaphragm fashion to 9.5cm. Capacitor flash circuit, B122 22 1/2 v battery. With green test bulb. Flashguide moulded into backpiece. Bulb ejector. Ilford Ltd.

Ilford sportslight flashgun

Ilford Junior Flash gun. White plastic reflector, black battery holder (for GEC BA6115) for capped bulbs, open flash. With polythene guard/diffuser, capless bulb adaptor. In original carton.

Ilford Junior Flash Gun

Ilford Special Rapid Plates. Stamped 5812A

Ilford Photographic Plates

Box of Ilford industrial x-ray film, type F, part used, by Ilford Ltd., Ilford, London, England, 1960-1969.

Box of Ilford industrial x-ray film


Ilford witness camera. 35mm camera; coated Dallmeyer Super-Six anastigmat lens, F:2"; f1.9-22 in bayonet mount. Fabric focal plane shutter - two speed rings: 1-T/2/4/8/B-25 and BT/25-1/50/100/250/500/1000. Coincident coupled rangefinder, focussing inf.-3'; movable stop flash synchronising sockets. Accessory shoe. In leather ever-ready case

Ilford Witness Camera and Case

Ilford Craftsman camera. Box type for 120 rollfilm 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 inches. Fitted with a simple lens, 2 apertures, 9,`8 (knob missing). Shutter 25/75/B. Helical focusing. Large reflex brilliant finder. Overall (deployed): 168 mm x 90 mm x 104 mm.

Ilford Craftsman Camera

Ilford Multigrade printing filters. 5 2 1/2" diameter yellow gelatine filters in 4 x 4" card mounts: M4 normal, M6 Vigorous, M8 Contrasty, M10 Extra contrasty, M12 Ultra contrasty

Ilford Multigrade printing filters. 5 2 1/2" diameter yellow gelatine filters in 4 x 4" card mounts: M4 normal

Pair of 17" x 14" "Fluorazure" zinc sulphate intensifying screens for obstetric radiology, by Ilford Ltd., 1935-1945

Pair of 17" x 14" "Fluorazure" zinc sulphate intensifying screens for obstetric radiology


Drying oven in polished copper, with removable perforated shelf, two thermometer tubulures, and air regulator in door, by the Eureka Scientific Co. Ltd., Ilford, London, for use over a bunsen burner

Drying oven in polished copper


Three cast-iron bursting bottles and one stopper, by the Eureka Scientific Co. Ltd.

Three cast-iron bursting bottles and one stopper


Plug switch by the Eureka Scientific Co. Ltd.

Plug switch by the Eureka Scientific Co. Ltd.


GEC litealarm from Howards Chemical Works, Ilford

GEC litealarm from Howards Chemical Works, Ilford

Photograph entitled 'Transport Minister opens new pedestrian subway at Ilford' by George W Roper, 11 April 1938. Gelatin silver print

Transport Minister opens new pedestrian subway at Ilford


BIPPA photograph showing the Ediswan 8-Channel Electro-Encephalograph (Mark Two) being used on Mr. James C. Sharp, a patient at Goodmayes Mental Hospital in Ilford. Mr Sharp had sustained a brain injury after being attacked in his shop. The images was taken during a visit to the hospital by the Duke of Edinburgh.

Patient at Goodmayes Mental Hospital

28 October 1953