On Display
Object type
Place of origin
Wooden cabinet containing histological slides prepared by Dr J C Wagner, 1950-91, including original material relating to cases described in his 1960 paper making a causal link between exposure to blue asbestos and the lung cancer, mesothelioma. (see stroke records)

Histological slides prepared by Dr J C Wagner, 1950-1991


A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled 'A Lesson in Golf', taken by Jurgen Schadeberg. From the exhibition 'Drum', held at the Impressions Gallery, York between 10 December 1988 and 21 January 1989.

A Lesson in Golf


Papers, seven folders, relating to the Bien Donne exhibition, Johannesburg 1936-1937, including photographs, orders, and brochures etc.

Bien Donne exhibition, Johannesburg 1936-1937


A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled 'We Won't Move', taken by Jurgen Schadeberg in 1956. From the exhibition 'Drum', held at the Impressions Gallery, York between 10 December 1988 and 21 January 1989.

We Won't Move


A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled 'The Sophiatown Removers', taken by Jurgen Schadeberg in November 1958. From the exhibition 'Drum', held at the Impressions Gallery, York between 10 December 1988 and 21 January 1989.

The Sophiatown Removers


A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled 'All of Three', taken by Jurgen Schadeberg in November 1953. From the exhibition 'Drum', held at the Impressions Gallery, York between 10 December 1988 and 21 January 1989.

All of Three


A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled "Miner Operating Air Loader, Durban-Roodepoort Deep Mine, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1987", by David Lurie. From the Impressions Gallery exhibition 'Working the Surface of the Earth', shown 23 July - 3 September 1988

Miner Operating Air Loader, Durban-Roodepoort Deep Mine


A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled "Miners Erecting Drilling Platform, Durban-Roodepoort Deep Mine, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1987", by David Lurie. From the Impressions Gallery exhibition 'Working the Surface of the Earth', shown 23 July - 3 September 1988

Miners Erecting Drilling Platform, Durban-Roodepoort Deep Mine


A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled 'Louisa's Twenty-First', taken by Bob Gosani. From the exhibition 'Drum', held at the Impressions Gallery, York between 10 December 1988 and 21 January 1989.

Louisa's Twenty-First


A colour photograph entitled "Mines Off-Load Rock. Durban-Roodepoort Deep Mine, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1987", by David Lurie, 1987. From the Impressions Gallery exhibition 'Working the Surface of the Earth', shown 23 July - 3 September 1988

Mines Off-Load Rock. Durban-Roodepoort Deep Mine


A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled "Time Office Clerks and Miner, City Deep Gold Mine, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1966", by David Goldblatt. From the Impressions Gallery exhibition 'Working the Surface of the Earth', shown 23 July - 3 September 1988.

Time Office Clerks and Miner, City Deep Gold Mine


A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled 'Name Us', by Jurgen Schadeberg, taken in Johannesburg in August 1955. From Impressions Galley exhibition 'Drum' 10th December 1988 - 21st January 1989

Name Us

A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled 'Women against passes', taken by Bob Gosani in Janurary 1956. From Impressions Galley exhibition 'Drum' 10th December 1988 - 21st January 1989

Women against Passes


A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled 'Josias Madzunya, Africanist, Bus Boycott Leader, Free Spirit', taken by Bob Gosani c1950. From Impressions Galley exhibition 'Drum' 10th December 1988 - 21st January 1989

Josias Madzunya, Africanist, Bus Boycott Leader, Free Spirit

A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled 'Racial classifications and reclassifications', taken by Jurgen Schadeberg in October 1955. From Impressions Galley exhibition 'Drum' 10th December 1988 - 21st January 1989

Racial Classifications and Reclassifications


A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled 'Death in the Dark City', taken by Peter Magubane in Alexandra Township, Johannesburg in April 1956. From Impressions Galley exhibition 'Drum' 10th December 1988 - 21st January 1989

Death in the Dark City


A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled 'Disease has no colour', taken by Bob Gosani in Johannesburg in January 1958. From Impressions Galley exhibition 'Drum' 10th December 1988 - 21st January 1989

Disease has no colour

A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled 'A Dive and a Frame Up', taken by Jurgen Schadeberg in Johannesburg in 1954. From Impressions Galley exhibition 'Drum' 10th December 1988 - 21st January 1989

A Dive and a Frame Up

A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled '2000 Police and 90 Lorries', (Sophiatown) taken by Jurgen Schadeberg, July 1956. From Impressions Galley exhibition 'Drum' 10th December 1988 - 21st January 1989

2000 Police and 90 Lorries


A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled 'Phoney' by Jurgen Schadeberg, taken in Johannesburg in May 1956. From Impressions Galley exhibition 'Drum' 10th December 1988 - 21st January 1989


A black and white silver gelatine photograph entitled 'Street Singer. Taj Boy. No 1' taken by Jurgen Schadeberg in April 1954. From Impressions Galley exhibition 'Drum' 10th December 1988 - 21st January 1989

Street Singer. Taj Boy. No 1


A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled "Miners Drilling at the Face, Durban-Roodepoort Deep Mine, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1987", by David Lurie. From the Impressions Gallery exhibition 'Working the Surface of the Earth', shown 23 July - 3 September 1988

Miners Drilling at the Face, Durban-Roodepoort Deep Mine


A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled "Miners Drilling at the Face, Durban-Roodepoort Deep Mine, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1987", by David Lurie. From the Impressions Gallery exhibition 'Working the Surface of the Earth', shown 23 July - 3 September 1988

Miners Drilling at the Face, Durban-Roodepoort Deep Mine


A colour photograph entitled "Black Mine Workers' Clothing Hanging in Mine Shaft, Durban-Roodepoort Deep Mine, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1987", by David Lurie. From the Impressions Gallery exhibition 'Working the Surface of the Earth', shown 23 July - 3 September 1988

Clothing Hanging in Mine Shaft, Durban-Roodepoort Deep Mine


A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled "Artificial Stope, Durban-Roodepoort Deep Mine, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1987", by David Lurie. From the Impressions Gallery exhibition 'Working the Surface of the Earth', shown 23 July - 3 September 1988

Artificial Stope, Durban-Roodepoort Deep Mine


Corneal Lens in white plastic holder, made for experimental purposes in about 1948 in Johannesburg by a german mechanic. Larger than micro lenses.

corneal lens

circa 1948

A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled 'Guilty Blood', taken by Bob Gosani in Johannesburg in July 1956.From Impressions Galley exhibition 'Drum' 10th December 1988 - 21st January 1989

Guilty Blood


A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled 'Maligned Tsotsis', taken by Bob Gosani in January 1954. From Impressions Galley exhibition 'Drum' 10th December 1988 - 21st January 1989

Maligned Tsotsis


A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled 'Toe Strummer', taken by Jurgen Schadeberg in Johannesburg in August 1958. From Impressions Galley exhibition 'Drum' 10th December 1988 - 21st January 1989

Toe Strummer


A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled 'Old Man River', taken by Gopal Naransamy in June 1954. From Impressions Galley exhibition 'Drum' 10th December 1988 - 21st January 1989

Old Man River


A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled 'Bike Balance', taken by Jurgen Schadeberg in Jan 1955. From Impressions Galley exhibition 'Drum' 10th December 1988 - 21st January 1989

Bike Balance


A black and white silver gelatin photograph entitled 'Kippy 'Morolong' Moeketsi, sad man of Jazz', taken by Bob Gosani in Johannesburg c1950. From Impressions Galley exhibition 'Drum' 10th December 1988 - 21st January 1989

Kippy 'Morolong' Moeketsi, sad man of Jazz

A black and white silver gelatine photograph entitled 'The Lost Children of the Golden City' taken by Peter Magubane in January 1957. From Impressions Galley exhibition 'Drum' 10th December 1988 - 21st January 1989

The Lost Children of the Golden City


A black and white silver gelatine photograph entitled 'Cameraman' taken by Bob Gosani in May 1956. From Impressions Galley exhibition 'Drum' 10th December 1988 - 21st January 1989



A black and white silver gelatine photograph entitled 'Prohibition' taken by Victor Xashimba in March 1957. From Impressions Galley exhibition 'Drum' 10th December 1988 - 21st January 1989



Box of photomicrographs and laminated lung sections prepared by Dr J C Wagner, 1950-91, during his work on lung diseases in animals and humans.

Box of photomicrographs and laminated lung sections prepared by Dr J C Wagner


Glass positive:- Halley's comet and Venus, H.E. Wood Union Observatory, Johannesburg, 1910, May 6, 10-inch Cooke lens, focal length, 45in exposure, 60 min, 6 1/2" x 8 1/2"

Glass positive:- Halley's comet and Venus


Box of photomicrographs and laminated lung sections prepared by Dr J C Wagner, 1950-91, during his work on lung diseases in animals and humans, in Johannesburg, South Africa & Wales, United Kingdom.

Photomicrographs and laminated lung sections prepared by Dr J C Wagner, 1950-1991


Box of photomicrographs and laminated lung sections prepared by Dr J C Wagner, 1950-91, during his work on lung diseases in animals and humans.

Box of photomicrographs and laminated lung sections prepared by Dr J C Wagner


Box of photomicrographs and laminated lung sections prepared by Dr J C Wagner, 1950-91, during his work on lung diseases in animals and humans. (see stroke records)

Box of photomicrographs and laminated lung sections prepared by Dr J C Wagner


A mounted black and white silver gelatin print print entitled 'Can Themba Look at Girls in High Heels', taken by Jurgen Shadeburg in South Africa in March 1958. From the Impressions Gallery exhibition, 'Drum' 10th December 1988 - 21st January 1989.

Can Themba Look at Girls in High Heels
