Object type
Place of origin



Precision thermometers in fitted case

Schatz scale reading microscope


Repeating Theodolite


Microscope stand by Hertel and Reuss


Bazzi and Bianchi phonendoscope


Steel measuring wedge by Otto Fennel und Soehne


Scherer's "Logarithmischgraphische Rechentafel"


Packet of mercurous chloride tablets, Kassel, Germany, 1914-1917


Nonien scale reading microscope


Rob shears


Pilot balloon theodolite by Otto Fennel Sohne of Kassel


Skalen scale reading microscope


Packet of mercurous chloride tablets, Kassel, Germany, 1914-1917


Mining transit theodolite, 3 inch, by F.W. Breithaupt & Son, Kassel, Hesse, Germany, 1850-1876

Mining transit theodolite, German, 1850-1876


Reflecting circle made by F.W. Breithaupt and Sohn, Kassel, Hessen, Germany, about 1870. Circular anodized brass frame, polished limb, a wooden handle. Signed on the index glass mount: F.W. Breithaupt & Sohn | Hessen Kassel. Inlaid silver scale from 0° to 140°, and twice from 180° to 80° every 20'. One index arm with a silver vernier at both ends, to 20", zeros at the right. The tangent screw, working against a spring-loaded stop, and the clamping screw are at the bottom of the index arm. Four half-coloured shades (two red, one green (broken), one missing); no horizon shades. Index-glass adjustment by screw; horizon prism without adjustment. Magnifier on a 120 mm swivelling arm serving both verniers, a frosted glass shade (missing). Threaded telescope bracket in two parts, fitted for correcting collimation error; perpendicular adjustment by rising-piece and a milled knob. Telescope (158 mm) inverted image, six parallel cross-wires and one at a right angle to them are engraved on a lens within the telescope; a rotating shaded eyepiece with choice of clear, green, red and blue. A prismatic eyepiece; some unidentified parts are missing. In a square fitted mahogany box containing a trade label for Breithaupt in Cassel and a MS list of contents.

Prismatic reflecting circle with case.


Mining transit theodolite, 4-inch, with detachable side telescope in two boxes, by F.W. Breithaupt & Sohn, Kassel, Germany, 1910-1915

Mining transit theodolite, 1910-1915


Pair of 5 metre measuring rods, square section, by O. Fennel und Soehne, c. 1900.

Pair of 5 metre Measuring Rods


Pair of 5 metre measuring rods, oval section, by O. Fennel Soehne, c. 1910.

Pair of 5 metre measuring rods


Three rolls of plaster tape, made in Germany, 1914-1918

Three rolls of plaster tape


One of three photographs of Astronomical universal instruments by F.W. Breithaupt & Sohn of Hessen-Kassel at the Strassbourg Observatory.

One of three photographs of Astronomical universal instruments


Photographs (3) of Astronomical universal instruments

Photographs (3) of Astronomical universal instruments


One of three photographs of Astronomical universal circles by F.W. Breithaupt & Sohn of Hessen-Kassel at the Strasbourg Observatory.

One of three photographs of Astronomical universal circles


Copy of a brass and iron azimuth quadrant, which has by tradition has been associated with the Danish astronomer, Tycho Brahe. Made around 1560, it was first owned by Wilhem IV, Landgrave of Hesse, Germany. The original is now at the Royal Museum in Kassel (Staatliche Museen Kassel). Made by Elkington and Company after the original was displayed at the Special Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus in the South Kensington Museum in 1876.

Replica of quadrant used by Tycho Brahe, 1560-1565


Orrery clock marked `L Deichmann's Astronomisches Chronometer, Cassel', late 19th century, distressed

Orrery planetary model & clock


Chemical balance used by Dr. Andrew Ure (1778-1857), has a glazed wooden case and a long wooden drawer in the base, made by Breithaupt & Sohn, Cassel. Brass beam and pillar.

Analytical balance by Breithaupt & Sohn, Germany, 1804-1830


Bazzi and Binachi's phonendoscope, cased, with instructions, German (?), 1896-1904

Bazzi and Binachi's phonendoscope


Cathetometer by F W Breithaupt & Sohn, Hesse Cassel, 1883

Cathetometer by F W Breithaupt & Sohn


Bazzi and Bianchi's phonendoscope (cased)

Bazzi and Bianchi's phonendoscope (cased)

Bazzi and Bianchi phonendoscope, with case, European, 1897-1904

Bazzi and Bianchi phonendoscope


Bazzi and Bianchi phonendoscope

Bazzi and Bianchi phonendoscope

One of three photographs of Astronomical universal instruments by F.W. Breithaupt & Sohn of Hessen-Kassel at the Strassbourg Observatory.

One of three photographs of Astronomical universal instruments


Packet of 10 ipecacuanha and opium powder tablets (Dover's Powder) in paper wrapping. 40 mm x 12 mm diameter, 6 g. From a German World War I medical field kit. Unknown maker, for German military use, from Cassel, Germany, 1914.

Packet of Ipecac and Opium tablets