Daily Herald photograph by F. Greaves titled 'Bee doctor'. Image shows a patient being stung on the foot by a bee in the office of Mrs. Owens, a doctor in Kensington who uses bee stings to treat ailments. Bee doctor 10 November 1955
Daily Herald photograph by F. Greaves titled 'Bee doctor'. Image shows a patient being stung on the neck by a bee in the office of Mrs. Owens, a doctor in Kensington who uses bee stings to treat ailments. Bee doctor 10 November 1955
Five photographs, size 8 1/2" x 6 1/2", showing original research apparatus, used by Lord Rutherford at McGill University at Montreal, during the period 1898-1907 Research apparatus, used by Lord Rutherford at McGill University 1946
Notice, West London Extension Railway, regarding Brighton company's engineering department, 1887. Brighton company's engineering department 1887
Instructions, West London and West London Extension Railways, "Alteration of Signals Chelsea Dock Junction , Lille Bridge Sidings and Earl's Court Junction', Issued by Kingston Neele, 21st March 1892. Alteration of Signals Chelsea Dock Junction , Lille Bridge Sidings and Earl's Court Junction 1892
Bottle for mouthwash, by N. F. Tyler (late Dampney), 87 Abingdon Road, Kensington, London, W8, England. Bottle for mouthwash
Pill box containing labels for rhubarb pills, used by R.S. Dampney, London Pill box containing labels for rhubarb pills
Hand loom, c. 1898; formerly the property of Katie Grasett, founder of the London School of Weaving. Katie Grasett's Hand loom 1898
Pill box containing cold cream labels, used by R.S. Dampney, London Pill box containing cold cream labels
Model, approximate scale 1:24, demonstrating hydraulic steering gear on ship frame, patented by Alphonse Lafarque and Claude Martin in 1877, unsigned, British, 1877-1880 Model demonstrating hydraulic steering gear 1877-1880
Shielded x-ray film storage box by EXAL, Kensington, London, England, containing 23 film cassettes by Agfa, Ilford and Philips, 1966-1985. X-ray film storage box 1966-1985