[Holograph letter, 1822 Feb 13, Killingworth Colliery to Mr. Brewin, Halesowen / R.S. (i.e. Robert Stephenson), giving 'the velocities at which my Father recommends his Locomotive Engines to move' with 12 waggons, each carrying 3 tons. He also gives details of loads on gradients, and of rails. 2p. on 2 leaves. On SM negs. 487-8/89] Letter, Robert Stephenson to Mr. Brewin, 13 February 1822 1822-02-13
[Letter] 1822 Nov 10, Killing[wor]th Coll[ier]y [to] Philip Maddison, Old Church Colliery, Nr. Swansea / Geo. Stephenson. [3p. on 1 leaf. Letter relates to locomotive design. Passing mention of Mr. [Nicholas] Wood. On SM negs. 425-8/89] Letter, George Stephenson to Philip Maddison, 10 November 1822 1822
[Holograph letter] 1822 May 28, Killingworth Colly. [to] T. Brewin / G. Stephenson. [1p. He can survey and report on the intended line from Stratford to Moreton, or report on 'the Cost of laying the Rails and Blocks after the Ground is formed'. He comments unfavourably on Mr B. Thompson's 'Opinions on the Conveyance of Goods on Railways'. On SM neg.no. 476/89] Letter, George Stephenson to T. Brewin, 28 May 1822 1822-05-28