British Railways leaflet "Lancing Works" describing the carriage repair shops and wagon underframe assembly shops at Lancing, 1954? Includes a sketch plan of the works. Publication no. BR 35115/14. 7.9921 x 5 in. Lancing Works 1954
Surgical diathermy apparatus, by Eschmann of Lancing, West Sussex, c.1970 Surgical diathermy apparatus 1970
Colostomy bag, Eschmann's stomabag, sample pack, made by Eschmann Bros. and Walsh Ltd., Peter Road, Lancing, Sussex, 1979 Colostomy bag 1979
Electro-surgical instrument table, by Eschmann of Lancing, West Sussex, c.1970 Electro-surgical instrument table 1970
Photographs, a collection of approximately 1,640 silver gelatin glass negatives, 4¼ x 3¼ ins to 6½ x 4¾ ins, and approximately 320 silver gelatin safety and cellulose diacetate film negatives, from the Brighton Locomotive Works and Lancing Carriage Works of the Southern Railway/British Railways, featuring locomotive and carriage construction and repair, road vehicles, workshops, c1940-1964. The work of official photographers. Southern Railway/BR Brighton and Lancing Works photographs 1940-1964