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Miscanthus Biofuel Sample


19th Century Electioneering Token for Sir William Ingilby


Use of Railway Telephones by Military Authorities


Drive weights from the eight-day weight driven clock by John Harrison


Drive weights from the eight-day weight driven clock by John Harrison


Ventilating fan with gas-powered hot air engine and tilting fan designed to compete with electrically driven fans, of cast iron construction painted Lincoln green, patent no 16,043 in 1909, by Brockway and Phi illips, Lincolnshire, 1909-1920

Gas-powered ventilating fan, 1909-1920.


Hand-made brick, with a frog on the upper surface, from Horncastle, Lindsey, Lincolnshire, early 19th century

Hand-made brick, with a frog on the upper surface, from Lincolnshire, late 18th to early 19th century.


Child's knitted jumper, blue green and white, The Sweater Shop 7-8 years, Shiloh Spinning Ltd, coin 4.5 (Q.7 Ne) 50% cotton 50% acrylic.

Child's knitted jumper by Shiloh Spinners Ltd


Two colour prints by Garry Fabian Miller titled: '25 BEECH LEAVES, AUTUMN BRANCH, LINCOLNSHIRE' and '25 BEECH LEAVES, SPRING BRANCH, LINCOLNSHIRE'. Acquired under the terms of the 1989 Sun Life Awards.

Two colour prints by Garry Fabian Miller titled: '25 BEECH LEAVES

Map, Bacon's excelsior map of Lincolnshire and parts of adjoining counties showing railways, roads, elevations & distances; also local government divisions. c. 1906, coloured, 1 inch to 3 miles, publisher/printer G W Bacon & Co., paper-backed linen.

Map, Bacon's excelsior map of Lincolnshire and parts of adjoining counties showing railways


233 engraved decorative watchpapers, collected in a notebook along with manuscript poems, with 9 removed, by John Bricard Stanniforth, Lincolnshire, England, 1844-1850. This collection was probably assembled during Stanniforth’s travels through many towns in England between 1844-1850 and indicates the multifunction of the watch maker and repairer trade. The watchpapers contain text or pictorial motifs advertising the services of the watchmakers.

233 engraved decorative watchpapers collected by John Bricard Stanniforth


Memo, (probably issued by the London & North Eastern Railway), 'Transmission of Air Raid Warnings', Lincoln District Control. Details of the transmission of air raid warnings between signal boxes, c1940's. 12.9134 x 7.9134 in.

Transmission of Air Raid Warnings


Oral history interview with Sonia Braybrook, conducted and recorded by Frank Paterson (session 1) at the interviewee's home in Lincolnshire on 21 January 2020. Duration: 40 min. 24 sec. Early career; British Rail (BR) Legal Department structure; move to Parliamentary division; Terence Jenner; freight contracts; job satisfaction; Railways Act 1993; becoming self accounting unit (SAU); Terence Jenner key to consistency and controls of privatisation; scale of task; external assistance; track access agreements; negotiations with Railtrack and shadow Office of the Rail Regulator (ORR); completing Railtrack vesting; Martin Shrubshole; Peter Trewin; range of contracts; impact on personal life

Sonia Braybrook interviewed by Frank Paterson (session 1 of 2)


Oral history interview with Ian Braybrook, conducted and recorded by Frank Paterson at the interviewee's home in Lincolnshire on 21 January 2020. Duration: 2 hr. 49 min. 33 sec. Early career; coal sector; Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB) contract and privatisation; trainload restructuring; Organising for Quality (OfQ); business engineers revised role; trade union consultations; government directive for freight; Mercers review; privatisation preparation; Lazards; government misunderstandings; Railfreight Distribution considered not saleable; restructuring into three trainload shadow companies by 31 March 1994; Managing Director North East; team; area of responsibility; management buyout (MBO); employee involvement; bid progress; Wisconsin Central purchase of Rail Express Systems (RES); MBO bids for three companies; Omnitrax; financing; Loadhaul; Wisconsin takeover; management structure; Managing Director English, Welsh & Scottish Railway (EWS); restructure; Ed Burkhardt; rolling stock investment; Leslie Smith; market conditions; Total Operations Processing System (TOPS) replacement 1997; management changes; Railfreight Distribution (RfD); impact of changes in energy production market; Settle-Carlisle upgrade funded by EWS; meeting with Brian Souter; reflections on working with Wisconsin Central; staff conditions; share price; engineering wagons allocations; reflections on private sector; relations with Railtrack; benefits of privatisation; retirement; reflections on privatisation

Ian Braybrook interviewed by Frank Paterson


Pendulum from the eight-day weight driven clock by John Harrison, Barrow-upon-Humber, North Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom, 1715

Pendulum from the eight-day weight driven clock by John Harrison