Award document and associated publication of the BBVA Frontiers of Knowledge Awards of 2016, won by Hawking 2016
Set of 8 brass nested cup weights for the Castilian Mark for weighing gold or silver from the Castlereagh Collection for Madrid (Spain). Nested cup weights, brass 1800-1818
Single cup weight of 1 Mark from the Castlereagh Collection for Madrid (Spain). Castlereagh Collection weights 1800-1818
Set of 5 grain weights for weighing gold or silver from the Castlereagh Collection for Madrid (Spain). Grain weights 1800-1818
Photograph; map of the Moon by Langrenus, 9th February 1645 Photograph; map of the Moon by Langrenus 1645
One book: "Catálogo crítico de astrolabios existentes en España.", Salvador Garcia Franco, 1945. One book: "Cat�logo cr�tico de astrolabios existentes en Espa�a." 1945
Bronze medallion 60mm diameter. Obverse; profile bust of George Eastman (1854-1932) 'Trofea Kodak'. Reverse; Folding Pocket Kodak Camera 'Kodak SA'. In case. Kodak Long Service Medal, Kodak SA, Spain 1980
Original correspondence from the Castlereagh Collection for Madrid (Spain). Original correspondence from the Castlereagh Collection for Madrid 1800-1818
Poster, "Madrid. Inauguracion de la Estacion Definitiva del Ferro-Carril de Madrid a Ciudad-Real Y Badajoz", photograph of lithograph, artists impression of the opening ceremony of Marid railway station, a copy of the picture in the Museo Nacional Ferroviario. Madrid. Inauguracion de la Estacion Definitiva del Ferro-Carril de Madrid a Ciudad-Real Y Badajoz
Chandelier made from 347 Bic biros, 347 (b) paperclips and lacquered steel, designed by the Spanish design company enPieza, Spain, 2006. Contemporary Bic biro chandelier 2006