Martindale's bacteriological test case, 1901, made by William Martindale, 10 New Cavendish Street, London W1 Martindale's bacteriological test case 1901
Book, paper and card, London and North Eastern Railway Committee minutes regarding the Stockton and Darlington Centenary Celebrations, 1925. London & North Eastern Railway Committe minutes regarding the Stockton and Darlington Centenary Celebrations, 1925 1925
A colour transparency of 'Exterior of an old furniture shop' with motorbike and bucket outside, Marylebone, Photographed by Andrew Lawson about 1977 Exterior of an old furniture shop circa 1977
A colour transparency of 'T Henwood & Son' builders and decorators, Marylebone, Photographed by Andrew Lawson, about 1977. T Henwood & Son circa 1977
A colour transparency of 'T Henwood & Son' Builders & decoraters, Marylebone, Photographed by Andrew Lawson, about 1977 T Henwood & Son circa 1977
Saline solution, three wrapped ampoules by W. Martindale, 12 New Cavendish Street, Marylebone, Westminster, London, England. Saline solution
Three white linen curved stiffened collars with buttonholes, Sister Ediss and Sister Connie types, by Gayler and Pope, Marylebone, London, 1920-1950 Three white linen curved stiffened collars with buttonholes 1920-1950
Letter to Rfman J Hedges, 4th Coy. 5th K.R.R.C., Lower Camp, Holm Place, Queenboro, Kent from Great Central Railway, District Goods Managers Office, Marylebone Goods Station, London re sending a letter to Local Advisory Committee. J. Hedges letter 1928-01-1919
Filmed in May 1961 at Marylebone Goods Yard, London. Footage of Marylebone Exhibition held for the 50th anniversary of the Institute of Locomotive Engineers. Footage features the exhibition's entrance arch, vehicles, diesel, electric and steam locomotives exhibited, 1000 Midland Compound, Mallard, No. 71000 Duke of Gloucester, D867 Zenith Warship class, dynamometer car, E3059, D9003, GT3 (English Electric built Gas turbine locomotive), detailed shots inside GT3 driver's cabin, 92220 Evening Star. A film made for Railway Roundabout BBC TV, by John Adams and Patrick Whitehouse. This is the original master film reel, black and white, silent. Duration: 3 minutes 30 seconds 16mm film, original master 'Marylebone Exhibition' 1961